
《大行》中金:恒指下月中期檢討 料信達生物、小鵬等或「染藍」 25隻股有望納入港股通

Zhongjin: Hang Seng Index to conduct mid-term review next month, Innovent Bio, Xiaopeng and others may be added to the list of eligible stocks for HK stock connect program. A total of 25 stocks are likely to be included.

AASTOCKS ·  Jul 24 12:52

On August 16th after market close, Hang Seng Index Company will announce the semi-annual review results of the Hang Seng series of indices, involving major flagship indices of Hong Kong stocks such as the Hang Seng, state-owned enterprises, Hang Seng technology, as well as the Hang Seng Composite Index that is closely related to the scope of investment in Hong Kong stocks. In terms of potential adjustment candidates, based on the adjustment method of the Hang Seng Index and the understanding and verification of non-quantitative adjustment standards through previous actual adjustment results, the bank estimates that Innovent Bio (01801.HK), XPeng-W (09868.HK), JD Logistics (02618.HK), Want Want China (00151.HK), Miniso (09896.HK) and Kuaishou-W (01024.HK) are ranked at the forefront of the Hang Seng Index and may become potential candidates for inclusion.

The bank pointed out that historical experience has shown that the actual results may differ greatly from the position-based screening. For example, Kuaishou-W and JD Logistics have ranked high in several previous predictions but have not been included. Mainly, it may have been due to some factors that serve as the basis for decision-making by the index advisory committees, such as industry and listing venue representativeness, for which there is no detailed explanation or quantitative basis, and there may also be non-quantitative factors that affect the final decision.

Regarding the adjustment of Hong Kong stocks through Hong Kong Connect and the Hang Seng Composite Index, the bank predicts that 25 companies are expected to be included in Hong Kong Connect and 33 companies may be removed. Since the Hang Seng Composite Index is the sample space for Hong Kong stock investment, its changes will directly affect the scope of investment in Hong Kong Connect, so it is worth paying attention to. The bank estimates that there may be 25 stocks that meet the inclusion criteria for Hong Kong Connect, including Mai Fu Holdings (02556.HK), QUANTUMPH-P (02228.HK), Cha Ba Dao (02555.HK), Koolearn Technology (00917.HK), Autohome Road (02443.HK), Teli Bio (01773.HK), Sunshine Insurance (06963.HK), ZH Car Inc (01274.HK), Dah Sing Group (01405.HK), Mongol Mining (00975.HK), SF Real Estate (09699.HK), Meidu Energy (02453.HK), Zonqing Ltd (01855.HK), Dali Foods Group (01921.HK), Hao Tian Intl (01341.HK), Lao Feng Xiang (06181.HK), Shengneng Group (02459.HK), Sinopec SEG (02386.HK), DL Holdings GP (01709.HK), Dekang Agriculture (02419.HK), EasySearch Tech (02550.HK), CEC New Horizon (03931.HK), jnby (03306.HK), HEC CJ Pharm (01558.HK) and Alibaba-SW (09988.HK).

It is worth noting that according to Alibaba-SW's (09988.HK) financial report released on May 14th this year, the company expects to complete the conversion from secondary listing to dual primary listing at the end of August this year. Considering that the company has already met other requirements for inclusion in Hong Kong Connect, such as being listed for six months and having 20 trading days (listed on November 26th, 2019); as a weighted voting right company, the average daily market value prior to the examination day during the 183-day examination period is not less than HKD 20 billion, and the turnover is not less than HKD 6 billion. Therefore, if the company successfully completes the dual primary listing conversion by the end of August this year, it is expected to catch up with the Hong Kong Connect examination day on September 5th and be included in the adjustment near September 9th of this round. However, the bank warns of the risk of not being included if the dual primary listing conversion cannot be achieved.

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