
阿里影業(01060.HK)獲轉讓北京物業及電影製作業務 抵貸7億人民幣

Ali Pictures (01060.HK) acquired Beijing's real estate and filmmaking business, with a loan of 0.7 billion RMB.

AASTOCKS ·  Jul 23 22:25

Ali Pictures (01060.HK) announced the acquisition of 70% equity of Jia Li Culture and Dong Yang Meila for a total price of RMB 0.7 billion, which will be paid through offsetting the outstanding loan principal owed by the group to Huayi Brothers Media Corporation (300027.SZ). After completion, the company will hold 100% equity of Jia Li Culture, and will hold eight commercial units and 29 parking spaces in the commercial building of Huayi Brothers’ headquarters located in Chaoyang District, Beijing. Dong Yang Meila is mainly engaged in the production and investment of movies, TV dramas, and web dramas, of which the remaining 30% equity is held by Feng Xiaogang.

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