
IDC:2023年中国IT安全软件市场规模达277.9亿元 同比增长4.7%

IDC: The size of China's IT security software market will reach 27.79 billion yuan by 2023, a year-on-year increase of 4.7%.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 23 13:41

According to IDC data, the Chinese IT security software market achieved a year-on-year growth of 4.7% in 2023, with a scale of 27.79 billion yuan.

According to the Intelligent Finance and Economics APP, IDC data shows that the Chinese IT security software market achieved 4.7% year-on-year growth in 2023, with a scale of 27.79 billion yuan. Top players in the market have integrated network security vendors, as well as cloud computing service providers who have consistently invested in security, such as Qianxin, Alibaba, Tencent, Asiainfosec and Dbappsecurity Co., Ltd.

See below for specific market share information:

IDC believes that technology service providers should focus on the following trends:

"AI+ security" has become a sustained hot topic, using artificial intelligence to enhance the threat detection and analysis capabilities of security products in all directions, helping to reduce the cost of security operations. The network security vertical model created by many technology providers has shown unparalleled value in security operations, intelligence interpretation, threat analysis, data classification and grading, and so on. Security operations personnel can use natural language to communicate with the security system and call various basic security tools, greatly simplifying and accelerating daily work processes, reducing the reliance on senior analysts for security operations.

The focus of the data security market is rapidly increasing, and customer needs are moving towards scenario-based applications. In addition to rapid development of infrastructure security under compliance regulatory requirements, ultimate customers propose more scenario-based construction requirements based on their industry attributes and business characteristics. Technology providers need to use comprehensive "product + service" capabilities to develop system construction plans, security capability plans, and security operation plans according to user requirements.

Cloud-native security products and services are rapidly developing in the global market, with various types of technology providers increasing their investment in this market. The technical advantages of agility, flexibility, high performance, and scalability shown by cloud-native technology, as well as cost advantages, have prompted companies undergoing digital transformation to actively embrace cloud-native. Whether it is cloud computing vendors, integrated network security vendors, or innovative professional vendors, they are all increasing their investment in this market, striving to enhance their technology-leading and brand influence.

The integration/fusion of security products and tools is becoming a universal expectation of businesses. Integrated/fusion security management platforms can manage various security components, reduce the complexity of security management, and enhance the correlation and analysis capabilities of security data, becoming the common needs of businesses. Integrated security capabilities such as XDR, MXDR, and multi-cloud security governance platforms are rapidly gaining market recognition.

Product service and service productization. Whether it is enterprise-level customers in various industries or technology providers, they still face a shortage of network security professionals. Technology providers need to continue to improve product automation and intelligence, explore different product sales models through the integration of product and service, and enhance user experience through product service to increase user stickiness.

Zhao Weijing, senior research manager of IDC China network security market, believes that the status of the digital economy in the country and corporate development is increasing, and governments and industry regulatory departments of all countries are increasingly strict and perfect in network security and data security supervision, which makes enterprises increase their investment in network security. Technology providers are actively investing in the construction and continuous updating iteration of the network security vertical model, striving to seize the first-mover advantage. With the rapid development of large model technology, more network security tools will bring about cross-boundary development in terms of capability, efficiency, and availability due to the inclusion of large models.

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