

Will Trump end the "electric car transformation"? America's largest charging network operator: He can't stop it! ·  Jul 23 10:45

ChargePoint Holdings, the largest electric vehicle charging network operator in the United States, CEO Rick Wilmer said that Trump cannot stop the transition to electric vehicles. Last week, Trump vowed that if he wins the November election, the first thing he will do is target Biden's electric vehicle policy.

On July 23, Caixin (editor Huang Junzhi) reported that Rick Wilmer, CEO of ChargePoint, the largest electric vehicle charging network operator in the United States, said that Trump cannot stop the shift to electric vehicles.

He pointed out that even if Trump returns to the White House, sales of electric vehicles will continue to grow. Last week, Trump vowed that if he wins the November election, the first thing he will do is target Biden's electric vehicle policy.

"I will end the electric car mandate on my first day in office," he said. "This will save the American auto industry from permanent destruction and save consumers thousands of dollars per car."

The Biden administration has invested billions of dollars to help auto manufacturers shift to electric vehicles and has established a nationwide charging network for them. In March of this year, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released new vehicle emission standards for 2027-2032. Officials called it the most ambitious passenger vehicle greenhouse gas reduction plan in US history.

In contrast, Trump also pointed out that if he is elected, the United States will greatly increase oil production to reduce energy costs and lower inflation. "Drill, baby, drill... By doing so, we will cause prices to drop massively," he said.

In a recent interview, Wilmer said, "I think the overall market force is much stronger, no matter how much the government accelerates or does not accelerate the popularity of electric vehicles. Too much investment has been made, and you hear many chief executives of automakers say that we have passed the turning point."

He also said that most drivers who have switched to electric vehicles will not go back.

"For those who have experienced electric vehicles, it is a superior product in terms of driving performance and quietness," he added.

Meanwhile, a report last week showed that the market share of electric vehicles in the United States is expected to continue to increase, pushing forward local climate goals. Data from battery data company Recurrent Auto showed that by 2030, the overall penetration rate of electric vehicles in the United States will reach a key milestone of 50%.

This report also predicts that by the end of 2025, electric vehicles will have a market share of 15% in the United States. The 15% threshold may represent a large-scale popularization phase of electric vehicles.

Recurrent Auto cited data from the International Energy Agency and other institutions in its report. The International Energy Agency predicts that electric vehicle sales in the United States will reach 9.5 million to 9.6 million vehicles by 2030, higher than the previously estimated 8.3 million to 8.4 million vehicles.

Wilmer also said that even if Trump tries to terminate Biden's nationwide charging network, other aspects of ChargePoint's business will not be affected. This includes installing chargers for commercial building owners to provide charging services to customers or tenants.

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