

LPR has been lowered twice this year, and interest rate cuts may be just the first step in implementing new real estate policies.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 23 10:19

On July 23rd, according to Every Day Economic News, the A-share market fell after a low opening. Real estate sector saw the largest gains, with the real estate ETF fund (515060) maintaining its upward trend. Sinolink believes that the two LPR cuts this year will ease mortgage pressure; the interest rates of existing housing loans are also expected to be lowered; real estate loan rates have dropped to historically low levels, promoting the process of market stabilization; in response to the call of the heavyweight conference, policies are expected to accelerate landing. The institution further believes that after the heavyweight conference, interest rate cuts are the first step in the landing of real estate market policies, releasing bullish signals. It is expected that subsequent policies such as de-stocking and optimizing increment will be implemented and quickly form a tangible amount. With the joint efforts of credit easing, demand-side policies tailored to local conditions, de-stocking, and other policies, it is expected to form a policy combination to help gradually repair and stabilize the market of high-energy cities.

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