

This US energy company has doubled its growth in three years, leading the industry. The CEO claimed that "it" will determine the future of AI. ·  Jul 22 21:30

Williams' stock price has risen nearly 30% since the beginning of the year and is expected to record its fourth consecutive year of growth, doubling its closing price at the end of 2020. In terms of product structure, the operating income of 10-30 billion yuan products is respectively 4.01/12.88/0.06 billion yuan.

On July 22, Caixin reported that last week, CEO Alan Armstrong of Williams Companies, Inc. (WMB.US) told the media that if the United States does not use natural gas, the country will lag behind in the AI competition. Benefiting from the expected growth in demand for electrical utilities, Williams (stock code: WMB) has risen by nearly 30% from the beginning of the year and is second only to Kinder Morgan (KMI.US) in the US natural gas sector. It is expected to record an annual four-line Yang, and has doubled compared to the closing price at the end of 2020. In terms of market cap, Williams has reached $53.62 billion, close to 'Buffett Love Stock' ($55.97 billion). Compared with this, the stock price of Occidental Petroleum has only increased by 6.51% this year, which is significantly inferior to Williams.$Williams (WMB.US)$Williams Companies, Inc. CEO, Alan Armstrong, told the media that the United States will fall behind in the AI competition if it does not use natural gas.

Alan Armstrong said: "The only way we can keep up with the demand for electricity and the pace of electrification is natural gas. If we refuse to use natural gas, we will lag behind in artificial intelligence (AI) competitions."

It is understood that Williams Companies' core business is natural gas processing and transportation, with a pipeline network of over 0.03 million miles handling about one-third of the natural gas in the United States, including the nearly 0.01 million mile interstate natural gas pipeline project "Transco," which serves almost the entire East Coast from the Gulf of Mexico.

Transco pipeline Source: Williams Companies website
Transco pipeline Source: Williams Companies website

In the US natural gas sector, Williams (stock code: WMB) has risen nearly 30% from the beginning of the year, benefiting from the expected growth in demand for electrical utilities.$Kinder Morgan (KMI.US)$It is expected to record an annual four-line Yang, and has doubled compared to the closing price at the end of 2020.

In terms of market cap, Williams has reached $53.62 billion, close to 'Buffett Love Stock' ($55.97 billion).$Occidental Petroleum (OXY.US)$Compared with this, the stock price of Occidental Petroleum has only increased by 6.51% this year, which is significantly inferior to Williams.

According to a recent report by energy consulting company Rystad, with the technology industry expanding data centers to support the spread of AI and electric vehicles, US electricity demand is expected to increase by 290 terawatt hours by the end of 2030, an amount equivalent to the entire national electricity demand of Turkey.

Some utility executives have warned that if the US cannot meet the surging demand for electricity, it will not only jeopardize the progress of the AI revolution, but also affect the overall economic growth of the US. Kinder Morgan's executives have said, "I believe the technology giants will recognize the role that natural gas and nuclear energy must play."

Williams CEO Armstrong said, "We're about to hit a wall soon because we don't have enough power to do what we want to do in AI. We have to find our own way or we'll passively lose the leadership we deserve in the field of AI."

Armstrong revealed that some top independent data center developers have contacted Williams in the hope of directly obtaining natural gas from the company's pipelines. He also mentioned that these companies, which once promoted "all green energy," claimed that they could not meet the needs of their customers without natural gas.

Armstrong said that the pipeline capacity of this natural gas giant has been "completely used up" and can only "borrow" some capacity from other companies. He also pointed out that US investment in natural gas production capacity is insufficient, with demand growing by 56% since 2005, while interstate transportation capacity has increased by only 26% and storage by only 4%.

As early as April of this year, Goldman Sachs estimated in a report that $7.4 billion in pipeline investment would be needed by 2030 to meet the growing demand for data centers, with Williams and Kinder Morgan being the most likely companies to benefit.

Editor/Emily$Vanguard Mortgage-Backed Securities ETF (VMBS.US)$

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