

Individual investor, Yuusuke Yugen: "From 'almost tiger' to 'tiger'...still eyeing the stock to watch this summer" [FISCO Social Reporter]

Fisco Japan ·  Jul 21 09:00

The following is a comment written by a FISCO social reporter for individual investors, Mr. Yuusuke Yuge (Blog: Profitable Stock Information" Nekodanna's Stock Never Ceilings "). At FISCO, we strive to work with individuals who are actively disseminating information to deliver a diverse range of information to investors.


Written on July 15, 2024 at 2:00 pm.

In the stock market, there was a mixed sentiment regarding the possibility of 'MosoTora,' but amid the recent attempted assassination, the sight of former President Trump punching his fist into the air caused Americans to cry or not cry... From there, it seems that the financial market is moving from 'almost Tora' to 'certain Tora.'

I am Yugi Yuge, who writes a stock and cat blog called 'Profitable Stock Information "Nekodanna's Stock Never Ceilings"'.

Before waiting for the FOMC at the end of July, the Nikkei Average turned bullish. According to some reports, it is said that nearly 10 billion yen of oil money flowed into major Japanese stocks in early July. Even so, caution is necessary, as there was a drop of more than 1,000 yen from the previous day's closing price on July 12. With expectations of a U.S. FRB interest rate cut, it is thought that Japanese stocks will enter a new phase from now on.

Since the presidential debate, which sparked the 'Biden Shock' that swept not only the United States, but the entire world, there has been talk of whether President Biden, even if re-elected, can bear the responsibility of the next four years... Meanwhile, as mentioned earlier, while Mr. Trump was giving a speech at a Republican Party gathering in Pennsylvania on July 13, he was shot, but with a bullet grazing his ear, he immediately raised his fist and showed a 'strong American' image, which is seen as having decisively secured his re-election.

If the 'MosoTora' scenario were to become a reality, although there would be concerns about Japan's national security, there seems to be trust in bold policies and a sense of urgency to lead to economic recovery. If U.S. stocks rise, Japanese stocks will naturally benefit as well, and with a clear policy direction, it may be easier for investors to devise investment plans.

Until the voting day of the U.S. presidential election on November 5th, there may be a dispute over the emergence of a new candidate to replace President Biden. Even in a market where volatility is high, if bullish sentiment prevails, it is desirable to target securities with high topics and gain potential.

Kuramoto Manufacturing Co., Ltd. <5216>, which is scheduled to announce its earnings on August 9th, has been trending well since the end of April, which we introduced in an earlier article. Expectations continue to be high for its perovskite solar cell development and quartz glass products used in semiconductor manufacturing. It seems to be adjusting now, but we hope that the upward trend with the hot theme of the company will continue.

Tsubaki Nakashima Co., Ltd. <6464>, a machine parts manufacturer that produces precision rollers and ball screws, has been the subject of speculation and expectation since its business partnership with Advantage Advisors last October. The performance for the year ending December 2024 has recovered from the previous year, and the earnings announcement on August 9th is also noteworthy, but it seems that there is already buying based on expectations for earnings. However, it is still worth keeping an eye on it as it is undervalued.

JIG-SAW Inc. <3914>, which handles cloud server automatic monitoring and maintenance operations for corporate management, was materialized by the announcement of the latest technology to solve various connection and operation management issues for collective housing and commercial buildings by its U.S. subsidiary. Looking at the chart, which soared in the wake of the Corona disaster, you might want to aim for a second-best stock, right?

Billing System Co., Ltd. <3623>, which provides online payment services, has a solid performance and stability despite being a small capital stock. After trending maintenance in the bottom range, it has recently shown upward correction, so it is worth monitoring the earnings announcement on August 14th, which could be a tailwind.

AnyMind Group Inc. <5027>, which operates a wide range of corporate marketing support and influencer marketing, has updated its annual high in July. The company has announced a policy of expanding the scale of M&A in line with its rapid expansion, and is well received by investors. Although there are no dividends yet, there is a possibility of stock hunting following the implementation of dividends in the future.

Discharge Precise Machining Research Institute Co., Ltd. <6469>, the domestic leader in metal discharge processing and aluminum extrusion molds, was the topic of conversation when it announced a capital and business alliance with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. <7011> in January this year. The earnings announcement on July 2nd was favorable, and it's worth keeping an eye on the chart (daily) going forward.

Well, the story has become a bit long, but on my blog, I introduce "individual stocks and theme stocks that are currently strong". Please take a look if you have time. We look forward to welcoming you with our beloved cat, "Al".


Author Name: Yuugentei Tamaki Blog Name: The Cat Master's Stocks Know No Limits

Blog Name: The Cat Master's Stocks Know No Limits

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