
特斯拉涨价!Model S/X美国售价上调2000美元

Tesla raises prices! Model S/X prices in the USA increase by $2000.

Securities Times ·  Jul 19 20:13

Source: E Company Author: Mei Shuang.

While some car companies are reducing their discounts, the news of Tesla's price increase has once again emerged.

According to the Tesla official website, on Thursday local time, Tesla raised the prices of its high-end Model S and Model X cars in the United States, with both prices rising by $2,000.

According to the official website, the price of the Model X all-wheel drive version increased to $79,990; Plaid version increased to $94,990; Model S all-wheel drive version increased to $74,990; Plaid version increased to $89,990. Prior to the release of the first quarter earnings report in April of this year, Tesla lowered the prices of the above models by $2,000.

In addition, according to reports, after the European Union imposed tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles, Tesla announced on Wednesday that it had raised the price of its Model 3 car by about 1,500 euros in EU countries including France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Poland, Spain, and Sweden.

In the Chinese market, Tesla still retains some preferential policies. On July 1, Tesla China announced a limited-time purchase car preferential policy, which includes a "five years of zero interest" promotion and low-interest car purchase promotions for the Model 3/Y until July 31st.

This is not the first time Tesla has launched a similar promotion this year. In April, Tesla launched a large-scale price reduction, with Model 3/Y/S/X all models reduced by RMB 14,000. At the same time, it launched a "zero down payment" or "zero interest for a limited time" policy for the designated Model Y. Unlike the preferential policies launched in April, this promotion can be directly enjoyed without substitution and offers a five-year zero-interest promotion.

Earlier, Tesla announced a price cut in the Chinese market. On April 21, Tesla China's official website showed that Tesla Model 3/Y/S/X all series in mainland China had reduced their prices by RMB 14,000, and the adjusted starting price of Model 3 was reduced from the previous RMB 245,900 to RMB 231,900, and the starting price of Model Y was reduced from RMB 263,900 to 2499,900, a reduction of 5.3%.

On July 2nd, Tesla's second-quarter production and delivery report showed that as of June 30th, Tesla's second-quarter production volume was 411,000 vehicles and its delivery volume was 444,000 vehicles, an increase of 15% compared to the previous quarter. Among them, Model 3/Y delivered a total of 422,400 vehicles.

It is worth mentioning that several car brands have recently stopped lowering prices. BMW and other brands have announced that they will focus on business quality and support dealers to stabilize and play a steady game in the second half of the year.

In addition, for the rumor of price increase, including Mercedes-Benz, Audi and other brands, some dealers said they have not received formal notifications from the brand side, but will adjust dynamically according to market conditions and maintain a positive attitude toward "reducing supply and keeping prices stable." Some insiders pointed out that this is the "seasonal hiatus period" for car companies and does not mean that the price war is over.

The reporter noted that although the rumors of price increases for each brand have not been fully confirmed, some sales personnel have urged consumers to place orders on this basis. For example, sales staff in Tesla's Shanghai store forwarded the news of "multiple brands withdrawing from the price war" on their WeChat Moments, with the caption "The auto industry has completely withdrawn from the price war, Don't lose the opportunity to understand five years of zero interest rates."

However, according to the reporter's observation, there are indeed signs of a slight rollback of benefits in some brands. "From July 16th to July 21st, NIO car carnival, lock in ultimate value rights at the last moment." said a salesperson for NIO cars in Shanghai, "The rumored price increase message is actually a rollback of benefits, and there will be different activities in the next cycle, and the subsidy may be adjusted downward." In addition, sales staff at Li Auto in Shanghai said that the preferential policy will roll back on July 22nd, "L7, L9 series will send charging stations this month, and charging stations will be canceled next month, and charging stations will need to be paid for after next month."


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