

Breaking News! Trump's party convention delivered the longest nomination speech: "I will end the electric car directive on my first day in office". ·  14:01

Former U.S. President Trump formally accepted the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention and delivered a one hour and 33 minute speech. In this heavy speech, Trump recounted in detail his experience of being shot last weekend. He also promised to revive American employment opportunities, suppress U.S. inflation, and restore America's global image through tax reduction and tariff increase. As for product structure, the products with operating income of 100-300 billion yuan were 401/1288/60 million yuan, respectively.

Former U.S. President Trump officially accepted the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Thursday night Eastern Time and delivered a one hour 33 minute speech.

It is worth mentioning that this is the longest nomination speech by a major party presidential candidate in modern American history. The previous record was 1 hour and 15 minutes, also set by Trump in 2016.

In this heavy speech, Trump recounted in detail his experience of being shot last weekend, and also boasted about his achievements during his presidency, while fiercely criticizing the Biden administration's performance in governance.

He also promised to revive American employment opportunities, suppress U.S. inflation, and restore America's global image through tax reduction and tariff increase.

Trump reviews the shooting incident: "God is on my side".

Last Saturday Eastern Time, Trump was almost assassinated at a rally, and his right ear was shot. This event shocked the world. In his Republican National Convention speech, Trump spent a lot of time detailing the thrilling assassination process.

Trump said in his speech at the rally last Saturday,

"I was very happy giving my speech at the time, because I was discussing the excellent work my government has done on immigration issues on the southern border...There was a large screen to my right displaying my data during my term. To see the chart clearly, I started turning to the right, ready to continue turning, and then I heard a loud noise and felt something heavy hit my right ear."

Trump mentioned in his subsequent speech that this was the chart he was watching when he was shot.

"I said to myself, 'Wow, what was that - it must be a bullet - then I moved my right hand to my ear, and then put it down, my hand covered in blood," Trump described, "I immediately realized the situation was very serious, we were under attack, and then fell to the ground."

"I shouldn't be here tonight," Trump said seriously, "As you already know, the shooter's bullet was only a quarter of an inch away from me and almost took my life."

"I am standing in front of you thanks to the grace of the Almighty God," Trump said, "There was blood everywhere, but in a sense, I felt very safe because God is on my side."

As Trump recounted his experience, the audience below looked sad, with some even tearful.

Later, Trump mentioned the victims in the shooting. In the shooting last Saturday, former fire chief Corey Comperatore was unfortunately shot while protecting his wife and daughter. Trump kissed Comperatore's fire helmet and led the crowd in a moment of silence.

"Appealing for unity but not forgetting to criticize Biden"

After the thrilling shooting incident, "unity" became one of Trump's core points in this speech.

Soon after the speech began, Trump emphasized the theme of unity in his speech: "I'm running for president to represent the entire United States, not half of it, because winning half of America's victory is not a victory."

"Our destiny is linked, and we fight together. Otherwise, we will disintegrate." Trump said in his speech, "Although we have suffered such a despicable attack, we are more united tonight than ever before. Our determination is unshaken, our goal hasn't changed--to create a government that serves the American people."

After making the above remarks, however, Trump launched a fierce attack on the Biden administration and the Democratic Party in the second half of his speech--for example, he continued to claim in the speech that there was 'cheating' in the 2020 election, or he called the former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 'Crazy'--which somewhat weakened the persuasiveness of his previous unity remarks.

Inflation, immigration, and diplomacy.

In his speech, Trump focused on three issues: inflation, immigration, and diplomacy.

Trump harshly criticized the Biden administration's performance in these areas over the past three and a half years, particularly in terms of immigration policy at the border.

"Less than four years ago, I implemented the strictest border control in American history. But the current administration has terminated every key Trump policy I put in place to seal the border," Trump said.

"The biggest invasion in history is happening in our country - they come from every corner of the earth, not just from South America, but also from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East - they come from all over, but this administration has done nothing to stop them," he added.

He also said that the United States is "facing an inflation crisis that has made life unaffordable and severely damaged the income of working families and low-income families."

Regarding his policy goals, Trump vowed to reverse the current administration's failures in inflation, immigration policy, and America's overseas position.

"Just a few years ago, during my presidency, we had the safest border and the best economy in our nation's history," Trump said.

He also said that under his administration, the border will be "completely secure," the economy will "soar," and prices will be lowered: "I will immediately end the devastating inflation crisis, lower interest rates, and lower energy costs."

"But to achieve this, a change of leadership is needed," he cautiously said without mentioning Biden's name.

"Trump economics"

In terms of specific economic policies, Trump said that the core of his "Trump economics" is to cut taxes and raise tariffs.

Trump promised to use taxes and tariffs to restore employment opportunities in the US auto industry.

"They (auto companies) sell their products in the US by making them in the US - it's that simple - making them in the US, only in the US," Trump said. "This very simple formula will create a lot of jobs, and we will take over the automobile industry again."

Trump also said he would eliminate the tip tax and reduce overall taxes in the United States.

In addition, Trump pointed out that after he was elected, the United States would significantly increase oil production to reduce energy costs and lower inflation. He said,

"Drill, baby, drill... by doing this, we will cause prices to plummet on a massive scale."

It is worth noting that throughout his speech, Trump deliberately avoided mentioning the name of current President Joe Biden, referring instead to the "current President" and the "current administration" - a notable move.

As of now, Biden is still the Democratic Party's designated candidate. However, calls within the party for Biden to drop out of the race have become increasingly clear. Trump's deliberate avoidance of Biden's name in his speech may also indicate that they believe Biden is unlikely to participate in the November election.

As of now, Biden is still the designated candidate of the Democratic Party. However, the voices within the party demanding that Biden withdraw from the election have become increasingly clear. Trump deliberately avoided mentioning Biden's name in his speech, which may also indicate that they believe Biden is unlikely to participate in the November election.

However, the always outspoken Trump improvised during his speech, couldn't help mentioning Biden's name: "If you add up the 10 worst presidents, they wouldn't cause as much damage as Biden. Biden - I won't mention this name again."


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