

Shocking news exposed! Trump will announce bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset for the United States...

FX168 ·  10:10

Dennis Porter, co-founder of Satoshi Action Fund, and Simon Dixon, founder of BnkToTheFuture, said that industry insiders have revealed that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will announce Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset for the US at the 2024 Bitcoin conference.

The stunning signal has not been officially confirmed by Trump or his campaign team, but the news has caused widespread attention among cryptocurrency investors and supporters. Porter emphasized that this move could change the global financial landscape and encourage other countries to adopt Bitcoin positions.

(Source: Twitter)

In addition, Trump recently announced that Ohio Senator JD Vance, who is friendly to cryptocurrencies, will join his campaign team as a vice presidential candidate for the 2024 election, further increasing speculation about more pro-Bitcoin measures. #US Election#

According to CryptoSlate, the idea of using Bitcoin as a reserve asset is becoming increasingly popular among cryptocurrency supporters, and many believe that this move will ensure the dominance of the US dollar in the global financial arena. Trump discussed this issue at a meeting and the idea has gained more support in recent weeks.

Porter emphasized that Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset of the US Treasury is a wise move, which indicates that this move could change the global financial paradigm and encourage other countries to adopt Bitcoin.

This idea has even spread beyond the cryptocurrency industry. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink recently made similar comments, calling Bitcoin 'digital gold' and admitting he was wrong about cryptocurrencies in the past.

David Bailey, CEO of Bitcoin Magazine and Trump campaign advisor, also explored the theoretical impact of the US adopting Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset. His vision is to lock 210,000 bitcoins held by the US for 100 years to ensure a large Bitcoin reserve for the US Treasury.

This rumor has caused considerable excitement among cryptocurrency investors and supporters, as political leaders who support Bitcoin have long advocated for it to be considered a strategic reserve asset.

Vivek Ramaswamy, a billionaire entrepreneur who competed for presidential candidacy, has been advising Trump on Bitcoin and digital assets since January. He previously proposed supporting the dollar with a basket of commodities, including Bitcoin, to combat inflation and maintain the long-term value of the US dollar.

In recent weeks, Trump has expressed strong support for the industry despite reservations in history. The Republican Party has also followed suit by adding Bitcoin and crypto-related issues to its latest platform.

Mark Cuban, billionaire entrepreneur and owner of the Dallas Mavericks, believes that the price of Bitcoin 'will be much higher' than people think, mainly because its role as a global 'safe haven' asset is becoming increasingly important and the supply is limited.

(Source: CryptoSlate)

Cuban said that recent support from technology leaders may not be primarily due to Trump's stance on cryptocurrencies, but rather part of a broader strategy that affects the Bitcoin market environment. He emphasized that the Trump administration's reduction in tax rates and tariffs could stimulate inflation, which has historically been favorable for the price of Bitcoin.

In addition, Cuban pointed out that uncertainty about America's geopolitical role and the impact on the US dollar as a reserve currency may create conditions for a significant increase in the value of Bitcoin. He believes that geopolitical uncertainty and the devaluation of the dollar may prompt Bitcoin to become a global 'safe haven' for savings, similar to gold in times of economic turmoil.

Historically, assets considered safe havens, such as gold, have appreciated in times of economic instability. Cuban's analogy positions Bitcoin as a role similar to gold and suggests that it will benefit from crises that weaken confidence in fiat currencies.

Historically, assets considered safe havens, such as gold, have appreciated during periods of economic instability. Cuban's analogy positions Bitcoin in a role similar to that of gold and suggests that it will benefit from crises that erode confidence in fiat currencies.

He pointed out that this trend has already appeared in countries that have experienced malignant inflation, where the local currency quickly depreciates. In such cases, people often turn to more stable assets to protect their wealth.

For example, in countries such as Venezuela and Zimbabwe, the severe inflation has caused the local currency to depreciate significantly. As a means of hedging against economic instability, the usage of bitcoin has increased. This trend has also emerged on a large scale in countries such as Pakistan, Lebanon, and Nigeria, where the people no longer trust the government's ability to maintain economic stability.

Kuban stated that the decentralization feature of bitcoin makes it immune to the influence of government policy changes and inflation. This makes it an attractive choice for individuals who want to protect their savings.

As a long-term cryptocurrency investor, a large portion of Kuban's investment portfolio is composed of bitcoin, as well as investments in ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. He believes that bitcoin is more like a means of storing value rather than a currency, much like digital gold. Kuban believes that the algorithmic scarcity of bitcoin will continue to drive up its price.

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