
百度Apollo无人车应用半固态激光雷达方案 激光雷达有望加速放量

Baidu's Apollo autonomous vehicle application uses a semi-solid-state lidar solution, which is expected to accelerate its deployment. ·  Jul 19 08:06

According to media reports, the main lidar on the sixth generation of the Baidu Apollo self-driving car, the Yichi 06, is exclusively supplied by Hesai, and this is the first time in China that the ADAS semi-solid state lidar solution has been deployed on a robotaxi. Huachuang Securities said it expects China's passenger car lidar market to reach $2.26 billion by 2025.

According to media reports, Hesai Technology said that this year the sixth generation of Baidu Apollo self-driving cars will be gradually launched on the market, and the main lidar on the sixth generation Baidu Apollo self-driving car, Yichi 06, is exclusively supplied by Hesai. Each car is equipped with four ultra-high-definition long-range lidars, AT128, with a detection range of more than 200 meters. This is the first time in China that the ADAS semi-solid state lidar solution has been deployed on a robotaxi.

Radar sensors are the eyes of self-driving cars, and lidar has good prospects in the field of in-vehicle applications. With the continuous development of downstream applications such as autonomous driving, the lidar industry is experiencing rapid growth. Huachuang Securities said it expects China's passenger car lidar market to reach $2.26 billion by 2025 and $6.94 billion by 2030.

According to the Financial Data Center, among related listed companies:

Lianchuang Electronics focuses on developing optical components and optoelectronic modules for lidar companies, and has collaborated with Baidu Apollo.

Huizhou Desay SV Automotive provides various flexible integrated solutions for different in-cabin/out-cabin applications by integrating multiple sensors such as cameras, millimeter wave, ultrasonic, lidar, intelligent antenna, etc.

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