
加码广告补贴流量扶持 “抖快”激战短剧买量投流

Increased advertising subsidies support traffic growth, and the battle for short drama purchases on Douyin and Kuaishou intensifies. ·  Jul 18 20:55

Today, Douyin and Kuaishou have once again released a short drama support plan. The producers of short dramas can find potential audiences through buying traffic on these platforms, which is an important way for short drama marketing and promotion, and also one of the reasons for the rapid growth of the industry. Of course, buying traffic is also the most fiercely competitive part of the industry at present.

On July 18, the Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily (Reporter Zhang Yangyang) reported that Douyin released a short drama support plan today. The core content is to invest billions of resources to subsidize high-quality content, and to support short drama producers, copyright holders, distributors and other industry roles in stable operations on the platform in terms of short drama marketing, mini-program operations, and content creation, promoting the boutique and high-quality development of the short drama industry.

This is Douyin's business action to support short dramas again this year.

At the beginning of this year, Douyin had already launched the "Chenxing Plan" to support high-quality short drama creation and the "Sailing Plan" to support mini-program operations.

The newly announced support measures mainly include the "Potentially Outstanding Drama Plan" applicable to short drama marketing scenarios. The "Potentially Outstanding Drama Plan" includes annual framework cooperation incentives, holiday period incentives, excellent script list selection, key content incentives, and continuous subsidies for producers of short drama ads through methods such as advertising gold return, advertising conversion effect, and creative strategy optimization.

In the past two years, short dramas have become a new trend. As the broadcast platforms Douyin and Kuaishou and other channels are accelerating their layout, they hope to share the market.

According to official data from Douyin, the number of users who proactively search for short dramas on Douyin has doubled throughout 2023. There are 500 short dramas with a playback volume exceeding 100 million, and 12 of them have a playback volume exceeding 1 billion.

As for Kuaishou, last year there were 326 short dramas with a playback volume of over 100 million, 68 with a playback volume of over 300 million, and 4 super popular projects with a playback volume of over 1 billion.

Producers of short dramas can find potential audiences through buying traffic on these broadcast platforms, which is an important way for short drama marketing and promotion, and also one of the reasons for the rapid growth of the industry. Of course, buying traffic is also the most fiercely competitive part of the industry at present.

Today, Kuaishou has also released a similar short drama support plan, including cash subsidies, traffic support, commercial services for creators and institutions, etc.

Douyin stated that the "Potentially Outstanding Drama Plan" aims to "provide support" to the producers of high-quality short dramas in terms of short drama promotion, and on the one hand, return advertising resources for the promotion of high-quality dramas, and increase the marketing promotion revenue of the producers. On the other hand, using various forms of incentive activities to encourage the production of short dramas with different themes and enrich the industry's content ecology.

According to insiders of Douyin, the annual framework cooperation in short drama advertising has invested 85% of the total amount of advertising of short dramas on Douyin. Douyin will carry out this incentive policy for a long time, and more producers could enjoy the subsidy of advertising gold return in the future.

The responsible person of Douyin revealed that the "Potentially Outstanding Drama Plan" will provide a subsidy of 10-20% of the platform's advertising revenue for high-quality short dramas. Compared with 2023, the platform resource subsidy has increased by 50%. In the future, Douyin will continue to subsidize the production of short dramas through funds, traffic and promotion, encouraging the creation of high-quality short dramas.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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