
大行评级丨大和:金蝶国际新订单增长较预期僈 削目标价45%至7.1港元

Daiwa Securities: Kingdee International's new order growth exceeds expectations, lowers target price by 45% to HKD 7.1.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 18 14:48

On July 18, Gelonghui|Daiwa issued a report that Kingdee Int'l (0268.HK) new orders increase slower than expected, so the target price was lowered by 45.4%, but it is believed that long-term investors can take advantage of the weak stock price to collect. The report believes that Kingdee's first-half income is expected to increase by 12% YoY to 2.88 billion yuan, because cloud computing service revenue increased by 17%, and it is estimated that the sustainable income from cloud computing service in the first half of the year is expected to reach 25%. The bank also pointed out that Kingdee's stock price plummeted 17% on Monday because the market expected revenue to be 5% lower than expected, but believed the market reaction was excessive. Based on Daiwa's belief that Kingdee's new order growth is slower than expected, its revenue forecast for 2024 to 2026 is lowered by 1% to 2%, and the target price is lowered from HKD 13 to HKD 7.1, a decrease of 45.4%. The rating is lowered from 'buy' to 'outperform the market', but it is believed that long-term investors can take advantage of the stock price adjustment to collect Kingdee.

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