
港股异动 | 贝壳-W(02423)跌超4% 楼市仍处调整阶段 上半年二手楼市场弱于机构预期

HK Stock Movement: Ke Holdings-W (02423) fell more than 4%, and the real estate market is still in the adjustment phase. The second-hand housing market in the first half of the year was weaker than institutions' expectations.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 18 10:52

Ke Holdings (02423) fell more than 4%, as of the time of publication, it fell 4.09% to HKD 37.5, with a turnover of HKD 5.5347 million.

According to the Intelligence Finance app, Ke Holdings (02423) fell more than 4%, as of the time of publication, it fell 4.09% to HKD 37.5, with a turnover of HKD 5.5347 million.

On the news front, Open Source Securities pointed out that in June 2024, the year-on-year decline in sales prices of new homes in 70 large and medium-sized cities continued to widen, and the month-on-month decline was the same as in May. As for the prices of second-hand houses, the prices of second-hand houses in 70 cities all declined year-on-year, and the year-on-year decline continued to widen, while the month-on-month decline narrowed slightly. In terms of data, the prices of new houses have been falling for 13 consecutive months, and the prices of second-hand houses have been falling for 14 consecutive months. The willingness of residents to purchase houses is still weak, and the real estate market is still in an adjustment phase.

In addition, UBS Group issued a research report earlier stating that due to the weaker-than-expected second-hand housing market in the first half of 2024, the forecast for second-hand housing GTV from 2024 to 2026 was lowered by 8% to 9%, and the income growth rate was lowered by 22% to 26%. Due to the weaker-than-expected first-hand housing market so far this year, the GTV and income expectations for first-hand housing from 2024 to 2026 were lowered by 17% to 22% and 7% to 13%, respectively. Overall, UBS Group lowered the company's adjusted net profit forecast for 2024 to 2026 by 16% to 20%, and the new profit forecast is in line with market expectations.

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