
百度推出仿真人AI社交APP 机构建议关注多模态技术进展

Baidu has launched an AI-based social app with simulated human interaction. Institutions suggest paying attention to the progress of multimodal technology. ·  Jul 17 07:53

According to media reports, Baidu recently launched an AI digital human social app called "Wen Xiaoyan", which is a AI application service that allows real-time communication, interaction, and emotional connection with AI virtual characters based on Wenxin's large model technology. Pacific Securities believes that applications developed based on multimodal models have a more diverse range of interactive methods and are expected to further increase application volume.

According to media reports, Baidu recently launched an AI digital human social app called "Wen Xiaoyan", which is a AI application service that allows real-time communication, interaction, and emotional connection with AI virtual characters based on Wenxin's large model technology. Based on the user experience released by the media, the app has no significant difference in gameplay and functionality compared to other AI chat products, but because it uses simulated digital people as "AI social objects", the interaction is "more realistic".

Within one and a half years, the large model has gone through three stages, with more developers joining the research and development of AI ecological applications and integrating more complex scenarios into the large model, thereby accelerating the landing of AI applications. Pacific Securities believes that we need to pay attention to three main lines of AI development within the year: 1. Pay attention to the development of AI applications for B-end users and end-side deployment. 2. Focus on the progress of multimodal technology. The commercial value of the content generated by multimodal models is greater in corresponding application scenarios. Moreover, applications developed based on multimodal models have a more diverse range of interactive methods, which is expected to further increase application volume. 3. Model autonomy and control, OpenAI's failure to service has increased the attention to domestic large models.

According to the Financial Data Center, among related listed companies:

Aoto Electronics subsidiary Chuangxiang Shuwei independently developed and launched the Vormir source line generation tool platform, a one-stop AIGC digital content creation tool tailored for the Metabox digital live streaming scene.

InsightGPT, a multi-modal large model AIGC developed by Guangdong Insight Brand Marketing Group, currently has functions such as text and image generation, video compilation, audio and video generation, and has begun to generate text, image and video materials for some overseas marketing service providers.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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