
Global X MSCI中國ETF獲納入滬深港通下合資格ETF

Global X yinhua msci china a etf has been included in the qualified etf under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect.

AASTOCKS ·  Jul 16 15:31

Future Assets has announced that the Global X MSCI China A ETF will be included in the eligible ETFs for the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program on July 22nd. This is the third Global X ETF product under Future Asset's management to be included. As of July 15th, the asset management scale of the ETF has reached 7.94 billion yuan.

Li Mibixiang, the strategy director and managing director of Global X ETF, stated that the mainland capital market is undergoing a transformation to a system that is more favorable to shareholders. He believes that China's new economic normal is taking shape, and this year has seen signs of improvement in issues such as oversupply and the real estate industry, making the prospects of China's capital market more optimistic.

Zhang Hao, the head of Future Asset's China business development, pointed out that in addition to investing in Hong Kong stock targets, the MSCI China A ETF also covers A-shares and American depositary receipts (ADRs), and is expected to attract funding from mainland insurance companies and other sources after being included in the Stock Connect program.

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