

Great news for Tesla! Report: USA's electric vehicle market share is expected to exceed 50% by 2030, and these symbols will also benefit. ·  16:53

According to a new report from Recurrent Auto, by the end of 2025, electric vehicles will have a market share of 15% in the United States, entering a large-scale popularization phase. By 2030, the overall popularization rate of electric vehicles in the United States will reach the key milestone of 50%. Tesla is expected to benefit the most from the optimism of electric vehicles in the United States.

A report shows that the market share of electric cars in the United States is expected to continue to increase, in order to promote the achievement of local climate goals.

States such as California in the United States are gradually phasing out gasoline-powered vehicles and transitioning to all-electric vehicles. According to a new report from battery data company Recurrent Auto, by 2030, the overall popularization rate of electric vehicles in the United States will reach the key milestone of 50%.

This report also predicts that by the end of 2025, electric vehicles will have a market share of 15% in the United States. The 15% threshold may represent a large-scale popularization phase of electric vehicles.

Recurrent Auto cited data from the International Energy Agency and other institutions in its report. The International Energy Agency predicts that electric vehicle sales in the United States will reach 9.5 million to 9.6 million vehicles by 2030, higher than the previously estimated 8.3 million to 8.4 million vehicles.

Key factors driving this optimism include the declining cost of electric vehicle batteries and some states in the United States being committed to zero-emission goals and improving tax offsets.

It is worth mentioning that in 2022, Recurrent Auto predicted that$Tesla (TSLA.US)$the Model Y car would become the world's best-selling car in 2023, and it was later proved that Tesla did achieve this feat.

Tesla will benefit, as will these other

The report shows that by 2030, the penetration rate of electric vehicles in the United States will reach a key milestone of 50%.

In the next few years, Tesla is expected to benefit the most from the optimism of electric vehicles in the United States.

In 2023, Tesla dominated the US electric vehicle market with a market share of 55%, although this figure was lower than the 65% in 2022. However, Tesla occupies three seats among the top ten best-selling electric vehicles in 2023.

autos that rank behind Tesla in U.S. electric car sales in 2023.$Ford Motor (F.US)$The victim of the concentrated rise is diversification. Bonds as an asset class are still underperforming this year. Relevant index tracking raw materials only rose 3%. According to analysis, only 23% of equity ETFs can outperform the S&P 500. Strategies that pursue performance, such as actively managed ETFs, quantitative-based intelligent$General Motors (GM.US)$General Motors' Chevrolet brand sold 62,988 electric vehicles in 2023, up 65.2% from the previous year. Ford sold 72,608, up 17.9% from the previous year, while Tesla led the pack with 156,423 sales, up 143.3%,

Electric vehicle companies$Rivian Automotive (RIVN.US)$can also benefit from the latest predictions, with strong sales expected in 2023 and new models to come. In 2023, the company sold 50,189 in the United States, up 143.3%. The R1S was seventh in the ranking, while the R1T sold 17,727 units and was outside the top ten.

Other car companies, including Chinese domestic brands, may affect the sales of Tesla, General Motors, Ford and other car companies, but they will also bring about an overall expansion of the market size.

Edited by Jeffrey

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