
“黑五”消费创纪录 在线销售额达74亿美元

新浪科技 ·  Dec 1, 2019 10:01

Sina Technology News reported on December 1, Beijing time, that this year's “Black Friday” in the US will record the highest consumption in history. Americans spent $7.4 billion online this year on “Black Friday” and $4.2 billion on Thanksgiving.

pursuantAdobeAccording to Analytics data, this year's Thanksgiving Day is six days later than last year, but retailers have stepped up advertising and offered big discounts on products such as home appliances, sporting goods, televisions, and consumer toys.

“Our holiday sales season has been shortened.” “This is having a compression effect,” said Jason Woosley (Jason Woosley), vice president of commercial products and platforms at Adobe earlier this week.

Over the past two days, American consumers have spent $11.6 billion online. Friday was also the biggest mobile sales day ever, with $2.9 billion coming from smartphones. People are increasingly used to shopping online and on smaller screens.

As the online shopping weekend continues, “Small Business Saturday,” which supports small retailers, has received $470 million in sales revenue as of 9 a.m. EST.

The shopping spree isn't over yet, giving retailers a boost. “Online Shopping Monday” results will be even more impressive. Adobe estimates online sales of $9.4 billion. The last few hours of “Cyber Monday” are expected to attract lots of purchases from people who don't want to miss out on deals.

Woosley estimates that between Thursday and Monday, consumers will spend $29 billion online. The five-day “Online Shopping Week” accounted for 20% of Adobe's estimated $143.8 billion online sales for the holiday season.

According to Adobe, the products most popular with online shoppers include Frozen 2, NeRF, and PAW Patrol toys; video games “FIFA 20,” “Madden 20,” and Nintendo Switch; includingapplesElectronic products such as laptops, AirPods, and Samsung TVs are also popular.

IBMUsing artificial intelligence to analyze US Census and retail data, it was found that retail sales in physical stores are expected to increase 2% and 6% in November and December, respectively, thanks to good weather and “year-end growth” in disposable income.

According to Adobe, the volume of online purchases and offline pickup transactions increased by 43.2% this year, which means that retailers have opened up their online and offline operations. (bookshelf)

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