
大行评级|瑞银:继续看好“三桶油” 上调中海油及中石油目标价

UBS Group's rating | UBS: Continues to be bullish on the "Big Three" oil companies, raises target price for CNOOC and PetroChina.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 15 13:29

On July 15th, Guosen Securities reported that UBS Group's research report pointed out that the three major domestic oil companies are relatively attractive compared to their overseas peers, due to factors such as storage reset rates and production growth rate higher than global peers, cost control, better financial performance, and attractive dividend yield. The bank continues to be bullish on the "three barrels of oil", but prefers their Hong Kong stocks over A-shares, with the preference order being CNOOC, Sinopec and PetroChina. The profit forecast of CNOOC from 2024 to 2026 has been raised by 8% to 12%, while that of Sinopec and PetroChina has been raised by 0% to 4%. The target price of CNOOC has been raised from HKD26.3 to HKD31, while the target price of PetroChina has been raised From HKD9.8 to HKD10.7, and the target price of Sinopec remains at HKD6.6, with a rating of "buy".

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