
港股异动 | 航空股集体承压 三大航司仍处经营亏损状态 暑运旺季值得期待

HK stocks anomaly | The aviation/airlines industry is under pressure, and the three major airlines are still operating at a loss. The peak season of summer travel is worth looking forward to.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 15 11:20

According to the Wise News Finance APP, aviation/airlines industry stocks are under pressure, with China Southern Airlines (01055) falling 3.33% to HKD 2.9, China Eastern Airlines Corporation (00670) falling 2.86% to HKD 2.04, Air China Limited (00753) falling 1.9% to HKD 3.62, and Beijing Capital International Airport (00694) falling 1.75% to HKD 2.5.

On the news front, Air China Limited, China Southern Airlines, and China Eastern Airlines have jointly released performance forecasts for the first half of 2024. In the first half of this year, the three major airlines all predicted losses, with a total expected net loss of between CNY 5.76 and 7.48 billion. In their announcements, the three major airlines all cited the slow recovery of international routes, intensified domestic market competition, and fluctuations in prices of elements such as oil prices and exchange rates as the main reasons for their inability to turn losses around.

Everbright Securities pointed out that since 2024, as immigration policies gradually improve and international flights further recover, demand for international air travel will continue to rebound. Guosen Securities stated that this year's aviation industry is expected to continue the trend of "quieter off-season and busier peak season" than last year, and the summer peak season is still worth looking forward to. The supply and demand gap in China's civil aviation will continue to narrow in 2024, with weaker pricing competition among airlines, and airline profits are expected to continue to surge significantly in 2024.

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