
《內房》上半年60間內房企業交樓逾138萬套 碧桂園(02007.HK)居首位佔15.45萬套

In the first half of the year, 60 domestic real estate companies delivered over 1.38 million units. Country Garden (02007.HK) topped the list with 0.1545 million units.

AASTOCKS ·  Jul 12 15:52

According to third-party institutions statistics, in the first six months of this year, 60 real estate companies delivered a total of 1.386 million sets. Among them, the leading enterprises have obvious advantages in delivery. The top ten housing enterprises delivered a total of about 0.73 million sets, accounting for more than 50% of the total delivery of 60 companies. Among the top ten housing enterprises, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises each account for half of the quantity, and the delivery ratio is basically equal.

Among them, Country Garden (02007.HK) delivered a total of 0.1545 million units and 18.22 million square meters, ranking first in the industry in terms of delivery volume. It was followed by Poly Property (00119.HK) (600048.SH) and Vanke (02202.HK) (000002.SZ), with delivery volumes of 0.081 million units and 0.074 million units respectively.

As of May 16th, 297 cities above the prefecture level have established a coordination mechanism for real estate financing in cities, and commercial banks have approved project loans for the "white list" totaling 935 billion yuan. It is reported that some regions have completed the first and second batches of "white list" project push, and have initiated screening and push work for the third batch.

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