
盘中速览 | 港股震荡整理,恒指涨近2%;内房股爆发,世茂集团涨超14%

Mid-day overview: Hong Kong stocks are consolidating with the Hang Seng Index up nearly 2%; Mainland real estate is booming with Shimao Group up more than 14%.

Futu News ·  10:51

According to Futu's news on July 12th, Hong Kong stocks opened high and went up, and then oscillated at high levels. As of press time, the Hang Seng Index rose by 1.87%, the National Index rose by 1.78%, and the Technology Index rose by 1.4%.

In terms of sectors, mainland real estate and property management stocks surged, with Shimao Group up more than 14%, Seazen, Longfor Group, and Sino-Ocean Group up more than 7%, and Shimao Services and China Res Mixc up more than 5%.

Network technology rose, Group rose more than 4%, Meituan, Alibaba, Tencent Holdings, and Kuaishou all rose more than 2%.

Biomedical stocks rose across the board, with KlinBio up nearly 7%, Genscript BioTech up nearly 6%, and KanghuaCona up more than 4%.

Dining stocks performed well, with Xiabu Xiabu, Haidilao, Haidilao, and Yum China up more than 3%, and Naixue's Tea up nearly 3%.

Most semiconductor stocks fell back, with Hua Hong Semiconductor down more than 3%, Solomon Systech and Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation down more than 1%.

In terms of individual stocks,$CHALCO (02600.HK)$Futu rose more than 6%, with expected mid-term net profit growth of more than 90% year-on-year.

$COSCO SHIP HOLD (01919.HK)$Marine transportation stocks fell more than 4%, as Hamas tentatively agreed to a ceasefire proposal, and Daiwa Securities said it could put pressure on shipping stocks.

$YANCOAL AUS (03668.HK)$Grovena's metallurgical coal mine accident may cause an increase in metallurgical coal prices, with a rise of more than 4%.

$BOC AVIATION (02588.HK)$It is reported to have signed a syndicated loan transaction totaling US$2.3 billion with 25 banks, up more than 5%.

$KEYMED BIO-B (02162.HK)$It rose more than 4% after signing an exclusive licensing agreement with Belenos for two self-immunizing double-antibody drugs overseas.

$BASETROPHY GP (08460.HK)$Silver is up more than 4%.


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