
《盈警》東方航空(00670.HK)運輸總周轉量升54% 上半年虧損大減

Transportation total turnover of Oriental Airlines (00670.HK) increased by 54% in the first half of the year, and the losses decreased significantly, according to the warning on earnings.

AASTOCKS ·  Jul 12 01:26

China Eastern Airlines (00670.HK) issued a profit warning. According to Chinese accounting standards, it is expected to incur a loss between 2.4 billion and 2.9 billion yuan for the six months ending in June, compared to a loss of 6.249 billion yuan in the same period last year. The decrease in losses is mainly due to a 54.31% increase in the company's total turnover and a 30.41% increase in passenger traffic volume. The passenger load factor has increased by 9.44 percentage points, and production and operation have improved, resulting in a significant reduction in operating losses.

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