

Sinopec (00338.HK) is expected to make a profit of up to 36.85 million yuan in the first half of the year with its magazine "Yingxi".

AASTOCKS ·  Jul 12 01:22

Shanghai Pechem (00338.HK) announces profit, according to Chinese accounting standards, an estimated net profit of 24.57 million to 36.85 million RMB for the six months ending in June, compared to a loss of 0.988 billion RMB in the same period last year, achieving a reversal of losses to profits. During this period, the international oil price has shown an overall upward trend, the market demand has steadily recovered, the company has continued to optimize production and operation, the average price increase of its main products is higher than that of crude oil processing cost, resulting in an increase in product gross profit and profitability.

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