
美股异动|爱奇艺涨超6.8% 爱奇艺与微博双端联合上线首批AI角色号

US stocks are abnormal | Iqiyi rose more than 6.8%. The first batch of AI character numbers jointly launched by iqiyi and weibo on both ends.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 11 22:46

On July 11, Gelonghui reported that iqiyi (IQ.US) rose more than 6.8% and Weibo rose more than 4.5%. In terms of news, iqiyi and Weibo jointly launched the first batch of AI character numbers, using AI's ability to bring popular drama characters to you. When users post or comment on Weibo, as long as they @ the AI character number they follow, the AI NPC will quickly arrive in the comments section to start interacting. According to the product manager of iqiyi's AIGC content technology innovation center, AI NPC is a role AI chatbot based on large model, which can simulate the personality and tone of the role, and chat with users based on the worldview background of the IP.

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