

The three major airlines are expected to have a combined pre-loss of up to 7.48 billion yuan in the first half of the year. Can the airlines during the peak summer season turn the tide and make a comeback? | Speed read notice ·  Jul 11 21:23

① Air China, China Southern Airlines, and China Eastern Airlines had a total pre-loss of 5.76 billion yuan to 7.48 billion yuan in H1 this year; ② The reason for not being able to reverse the loss was mainly due to factors such as the recovery of international routes falling short of expectations, increased competition in the domestic market, and aviation fuel exchange rates; ③ the three major airlines of the summer season strengthened international routes this year.

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Financial Services Association, July 11 (Reporter Hu Haoqiong) Civil aviation's huge losses have yet to “return”. This year's H1, the three major airlines all predicted losses, with a total loss of 5.76 billion yuan to 7.48 billion yuan.

Xie Li, a professor at the China Civil Aviation Management Cadre College, told the Financial Federation that the pain point of the civil aviation market is that international flights have not returned to 2019 levels. Some international capacity is still being invested in the domestic market. The slow resumption of international flights, especially intercontinental flights, is the main pain point.

This evening, Air China (601111.SH), China Southern Airlines (600029.SH), and China Eastern Airlines (600115.SH) announced this year's H1 performance foreclosure. The three major airlines still lost money in the first half of this year. China Southern Airlines' Q1 net profit to mother achieved positive profits, but H1 turned another loss.

Judging from the performance performance, H1 China Southern Airlines lost the least, and China Eastern Airlines lost the same amount of money as Air China. However, judging from Q2 performance, Air China lost the least amount in Q2, and China Southern Airlines lost the most.


H1 performance of the three major airlines (data source: Oriental Fortune Choice, compiled by CFA reporters)

The three major airlines all stated in their announcements that the reason for not being able to reverse losses was mainly affected by price fluctuations due to factors such as the overall restoration process of international routes falling short of expectations, increased competition in the domestic market, and the oil price exchange rate.

Among them, China Southern Airlines also mentioned that oversupply in the domestic market and frequent extreme weather are also the causes of losses. China Eastern Airlines also said that some routes are affected by factors such as local air rights time restrictions and insufficient airport security resources, and the company's capacity in some international markets such as North America and Japan has not yet fully recovered.

However, this year's summer travel season has already arrived, and many airlines have stepped up international flights.

China Eastern Airlines plans to carry out an average of 3,213 passenger flights per day during the summer travel season this year, an increase of 13% over the same period in 2019, and international and regional flights to return to 102% of the same period in 2019. Among them, the number of flights between China and the Middle East was nearly double that of 2019, and the number of international flights departing China Eastern Airlines from its main base in Shanghai reached 109.4% of the same period in 2019.

China Southern Airlines Group plans to carry out a total of nearly 0.2 million flights during the summer, including over 0.014 million overtime flights. It is planned to open and resume 15 new international and regional routes.

Air China, for its part, will increase its investment in international flight capacity this summer. It will launch new Beijing-Dhaka and Chengdu-Milan routes, resume the Shanghai-Barcelona route, and encrypt 13 international routes, including Beijing-Copenhagen and Chengdu-Singapore. At present, Air China has opened 61 “Belt and Road” routes, flying to 36 cities in 28 countries, accounting for 60% of the total number of international routes

Currently, due to the impact of the Olympics, data from the Where to Go platform shows that as of July 11, during the Olympics (July 20 to August 20), the number of international air ticket reservations to Paris increased 2.3 times compared to the same period last year.

In terms of ticket prices, air travel data shows that from July 11 to August 31, the average price of domestic air tickets (excluding tax) was about 1,012 yuan, down about 8% from last year; the average price of inbound and outbound air tickets decreased by about 6% compared to last year.

Xie Li said that the summer travel period is the most important peak season for airlines to achieve profits throughout the year. Therefore, by providing sufficient capacity and products, airlines adjust prices to suit the needs of summer travelers. Airlines' revenue will increase as a result.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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