

Wrong calculations? The new plan of the Republican Party may push up inflation, alarmed!

Golden10 Data ·  19:09

The Republican Party plans to reverse the so-called "Democratic open border policy" and points out that "these policies have driven up housing, education, and medical costs for American families."

The focus of the new Republican plan is to ensure border security and carry out the "largest immigration deportation campaign in American history" to "quickly lower" the "all prices" of consumers and businesses affected by recent inflation. Regarding product structure, the operating income of 10-30 billion yuan products is 401/1288/60 million yuan respectively.

However, economists suggest that these policies may not achieve the expected results.

According to the Republican National Committee's platform adopted on Monday, inflation and immigration are the Republican Party's top priorities. The document states that the Republican Party intends to reverse the so-called "Democratic Party's open-border policy," and points out that "these policies have pushed up the housing, education, and medical costs of American families."

According to information from the non-partisan Migration Policy Institute, the recent increase in the number of immigrants arriving at the U.S. border is due to several factors, including political and economic challenges in their home countries, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the concept of immigration becoming more popular in the United States.

Economists have found that the influx of immigrants has hardly caused inflation and has actually had a positive impact on the economy.

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell stated in a Senate hearing on Tuesday that, in the short term, immigration may help cool inflation by increasing the labor supply. Economists at the Dallas Fed found that although immigration slightly pushed up inflation, the resulting increase in U.S. GDP was greater than the increase in inflation.

Although the above new policy is the Republican Party's platform, not Trump's platform, the Republican Party has promised that if Trump wins the November election this year, it will update many policies and respond to Trump's established goals, including immigration. However, economists predict that Trump's immigration plan may exacerbate inflation.

The cost of deporting millions of immigrants could exceed $1 trillion over the next decade. This does not include the labor costs of the project, nor does it include the consequences of greatly reducing the U.S. labor supply in the short term.

This huge expenditure, coupled with the cost of Trump's proposed tax cuts and other policies, will increase the budget deficit, economists say, which may be a driving factor behind rising prices.

In the upcoming presidential election, inflation is a key issue of concern to voters, as many Americans still feel the impact of rising prices.

The Republican Party is not the only side advocating for restrictions on immigration.

According to the White House, Biden has been calling on Congress to ensure the security of the U.S. border since he took office as president in 2021, and now he is personally dealing with this issue. Some recent actions by his administration include banning applications for asylum by potential immigrants, directing additional federal prosecutors to U.S. Attorney's offices in border regions, and increasing the number of border personnel and flights returning to the United States.

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