
基地锦标集团(08460)将发行7560万股供股股份 净筹约1040万港元

Basetrophy gp (08460) will issue 75.6 million share placement shares with a net fundraising of about HKD 10.4 million.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 11, 2024 16:51

Basetrophy gp (08460) has announced that as of 4:00 pm on Monday, July 8, 2024, ...

According to the announcement by Basetrophy gp (08460), as of the final distribution agent distribution time of unsubscribed shares at 0.12 Hong Kong dollars per share, which is 4:00 pm on Monday, July 8, 2024, a total of 75.6 million shares out of the 0.314 billion unsubscribed shares will be distributed to 12 independent underwriters.

After the compensation arrangement is completed, the remaining 0.239 billion unsubscribed shares will not be issued by the company, and the scale of the subscription will be reduced accordingly.

As all the conditions related to the subscription have been met, the subscription has become unconditional. 75.6 million shares of subscription shares (accounting for 21.9% of the total subscription shares under the subscription) will be allocated and issued. The total amount and net proceeds raised by the subscription (including the compensation arrangement) are approximately HK$12.8 million and HK$10.4 million, respectively.

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