
美股异动|开市客盘前涨超2.7% 股价冲击新高 7年来首次上调会员年费

US stocks surged before the market, with a rise of over 2.7% and hitting a new high. For the first time in seven years, membership fees have been increased.

Gelonghui Finance ·  16:15

Glonghui July 11 | COST.US (COST.US) US stocks rose more than 2.7% to $908.8 before the market. The stock price trend will reach a record high after opening. According to the news, market openers said that starting September 1, membership fees in the US and Canada will be raised by 5 US dollars, from 60 US dollars to 65 US dollars; the annual fee for “Black Diamond Card members” for higher-level plans will increase from 120 US dollars to 130 US dollars. Market openers said that the fee increase will affect about 52 million members, of which Black Diamond card members account for slightly more than half.

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