

Starting the on-road verification for Japan's first Level 4 self-driving truck for trunk logistics transportation towards realization.

SG Holdings ·  Jul 10 23:00

T2 Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Morimoto Seijo, hereinafter “T2”), Sagawa Express Co., Ltd. (hereafter, “Sagawa Express”), and Seino Holdings Co., Ltd. (1 Taguchi-cho, Ogaki-shi, Gifu Prefecture; President and CEO: Yoshitaka Taguchi; hereafter, “Seino HD”) will conduct a demonstration test of trunk line transport*2 using an autonomous driving truck developed by T2 from 2024/10 to 2025/6 on some sections of the expressway between Tokyo and Osaka I'll do it. This initiative is a major step towards realizing trunk line transportation using Level 4 Autonomous Driving*3 trucks.

1. Background and Objective

Recently, the decline in truck transportation capacity due to the review of truck drivers' working hours has become a social issue (2024 problem), and according to national estimates, it is said that 34.1% of transportation capacity will be insufficient in 2030.
 In order to realize sustainable logistics, Sagawa Express and Seino HD, which are taking various measures to address issues, such as promoting a modal shift to replace land transportation with long-distance ferries and railways, and proposing delivery routes using AI in the last mile, and T2, which is developing technology for autonomous driving trucks, join hands and create a new transportation model by multiplying transportation operation know-how with autonomous driving technology, and level 4 autonomous driving trucks in 2027 We aim to realize trunk line transportation utilizing it.
 Trunk line transportation is an aorta that supports the economy and people's lives, and this demonstration experiment was realized due to the three companies' desire to realize sustainable logistics. By transporting luggage from Sagawa Express and Seino HD, which are transportation operators, on public roads under various conditions, the purpose is to acquire knowledge and identify improvements for future commercialization. Also, in the future, we will consider establishing a council to realize trunk line transportation with autonomous driving trucks in the wake of this demonstration test.
*1 First public road demonstration in Japan with cargo loading aimed at Level 4 Autonomous Driving truck trunk line logistics transportation (T2 survey based on each company's official website and press release materials as of 2024/7/11)
*2 Main line transportation (route flights): Transporting large amounts of luggage from a base in the surrounding area to an accumulation base in another area with a large truck or the like
*3 Level 4 autonomous driving: A state where an automatic driving device replaces all driving operations in a limited area that satisfies specific driving environment conditions

2. Demonstration Overview

  • Period: 2024/10 to 2025/6
  • Location: Between Tokyo and Osaka
    ○Tomei Expressway
    ○Shin-Tomei Expressway
    ○Ise-Wangan Expressway
    ○Meishin Expressway
    ○Shin-Meishin Expressway
    ○Keiji bypass
  • Participating companies
    ○T2 Co., Ltd. 
    ○Sagawa Express Co., Ltd.
    ○Seino Holdings Co., Ltd.

(From left) Kazuhiro Edagawa, Director of Sagawa Express; Hideharu Kawai, Executive Officer of Seino Holdings; Seiki Morimoto, Representative Director and CEO of T2 

  • Verification content
    ○ Autonomous driving on expressways for truck level 4 autonomous driving
    ○ Route verification for autonomous driving in trunk line transportation with cargo
    *All demonstration tests will be conducted with a driver on board, equivalent to level 2.

Representative comments

T2 Morimoto Seiki Representative Director and CEO

This demonstration is an important step towards starting the business in 2025. They sympathize with the cause of “supporting logistics in Japan together,” and I am very happy to be able to take on the challenge of future logistics utilizing autonomous driving technology together with our wonderful partners. In the future, we are aiming to establish a council with Seino HD and Sagawa Express to realize trunk line transportation with autonomous driving trucks, and we sincerely hope that people in a wide range of industries involved in autonomous driving truck trunk line transportation will support and participate in order to accelerate this initiative.

Kazuhiro Edagawa, Director, Transportation Network and Facility Investment Officer, Sagawa Express

While there are concerns in the logistics industry that transportation capacity will be insufficient due to a shortage of drivers, we believe that autonomous driving trucks are a powerful means of securing transportation capacity. Public and private infrastructure development plans are also progressing, so I hope that the acquisition of knowledge through demonstration tests and recognition from society will be added, and that transportation using autonomous driving trucks will be realized at an early stage.

Seino Holdings' Kawai Hideharu Executive Officer Open Innovation Promotion Office Manager 

In response to social issues such as the 2024 issue and environmental issues, we have set the slogan “Team Green Logistics” as a medium- to long-term management policy based on the concept of an open public platform, and are working on collaboration with other companies centered on the three areas of logistics, charter, and special logistics. Under these circumstances, we believe that being able to take on the demonstration test together with T2 and Sagawa Express can realize sustainable logistics and contribute to the prosperity of our customers, and I am very honored to have this collaboration.

Overview of each company

■T2 Co., Ltd.
Head Office Location: 1st Floor, Hibiya Kokusai Building, 2-2-3 Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Representative Director and CEO Seiki Morimoto
Date of establishment: August 30, 2022
Business description:
Development of autonomous driving systems, trunk line transportation service business using level 4 autonomous driving trucks, related service business associated with trunk line transportation, and other related service businesses
Company site URL:

■Sagawa Express Co., Ltd.
Head office location: 68 Kamitoba Kakuda-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Representative: President and CEO Masahide Motomura
Date of establishment: November 24, 1965
Business description: Businesses related to various types of transportation such as courier services
Company website URL:

■Seino Holdings Co., Ltd.
Head office location: 1 Taguchi-cho, Ogaki-shi, Gifu
Representative: President and CEO Yoshitaka Taguchi
Date of establishment: November 1, 1946
Business description: Transportation business, automobile sales business, goods sales business, etc.
Company website URL:

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