
佐力药业(300181):2024年H1业绩超市场预期 核心产品持续放量

Zuoli Pharmaceutical (300181): 2024 H1 performance exceeds market expectations and continued release of core products

華西證券 ·  Jul 10

Incident Overview

The company released the 2024 mid-year report performance forecast: It is expected to achieve net profit of 2.95 to 0.31 billion yuan in 24 and a half years, an increase of 49.24% to 56.83% year on year; after deducting non-net profit of 2.91 to 0.306 billion yuan, an increase of about 50.23% to 57.97% year on year.

Performance exceeds market expectations, and core products continue to be released

The company's revenue for H1 is expected to increase by about 41% year-on-year over the same period last year, achieving net profit to mother of 2.95 to 0.31 billion yuan, an increase of 49.24% to 56.83% year-on-year. According to the performance forecast, the company achieved operating income of about 0.753 billion yuan in a single quarter of '24, an increase of about 46% over the previous year, and achieved net profit of 0.153 billion yuan to 0.168 billion yuan, an increase of 52% to 67% over the previous year. The company continues to strengthen market expansion around the three core pharmaceutical products of Wuling capsules, Lingze tablets, and Bering tablets. Among them, sales revenue from Wuling capsules and Lingze tablets continued to have good market growth. Due to the sharp increase in Internet sales of traditional Chinese medicine tablets in hospitals in June and an increase in the number of registered varieties of traditional Chinese medicine formula granules, the sales revenue of the Chinese medicine tablet series and formula granules increased significantly compared to the same period last year.

The collection of Wuling capsules continues to advance, and Bailing capsules are expected to increase sales contribution in the second half of the year

According to the Investor Relations Record Form, the “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei 3+N” alliance region, which won the bid for the company's Wuling capsules, successively carried out collection in the second quarter. The company replaced 36 capsules/box with 54 larger capsules/box in the collection area, driving sales growth of Wuling capsules through price exchange, and continuing to strengthen the development of new hospitals in the collection area. As the collection continues to advance in various provinces, the company's Wuling capsules are expected to maintain a rapid growth trend throughout the year.

The company's newly approved Bailing capsules have now completed networked in more than 20 provinces. Bailing capsules and the company's Bailing tablets are expected to have strong collaboration. We expect that sales of Bailing capsules will gradually begin in the second half of the year to contribute incremental revenue to the company.

Profit forecasting investment advice

Taking into account the continued expansion of the company's core products and adjusted profit forecasts, it is predicted that the company's 2024/2025/2026 operating income will be adjusted from 24.10/29.79/37.68 to 2.57/3.222/3.98 billion yuan, and net profit to mother will be adjusted from 0.522/0.671/0.857 billion yuan to 0.548/0.701/0.871 billion yuan, corresponding to the closing price of 14.16 yuan/share on July 10, 2024, EPS 0.78/1.00/1.24 yuan, PE 18.11/14.17/11.41 times respectively, maintaining the “gain” rating.

Risk warning

In-house sales of the core product Wuling capsule have slowed, market competition has intensified due to an increase in the number of competing drugs, OTC channel expansion has fallen short of expectations, sales of Chinese medicine tablets and formula granules have fallen short of expectations, development of new indications for Wuling capsules has fallen short of expectations, and promotion of new products of Bering capsules has fallen short of expectations.

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