
顶固集创(300749.SZ):拟以简易程序定增募资不超9793.95万元 用于精品门锁及门配五金智能制造项目等

Guangdong Topstrong Living Innovation & Integration (300749.SZ): Intends to raise no more than 97.9395 million yuan through a simple program to fund projects such as intelligent manufacturing of high-end door locks and door hardware.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 10, 2024 21:11

On July 10th, Gelunhui reported that Guangdong topstrong living innovation & integration (300749.SZ) announced the preplan of issuing stocks to specific objects through simplified procedures in 2024. The total amount of funds raised in this issuance shall not exceed (including) 97.9395 million yuan, and shall not exceed 20% of the net assets at the end of the most recent year. The net amount of funds raised after deducting relevant issuance expenses will be 71.9395 million yuan, used for intelligent manufacturing projects of boutique door locks and door hardware, and 26 million yuan to supplement working capital.

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