
港股异动 | 海运股午后走低 高盛称运价下降早于市场预期 25年运价不确定性较多

HK stocks unusual movement | Marine transportation stocks fell in the afternoon. Goldman Sachs said that the decline in freight rates was earlier than market expectations, and there is a lot of uncertainty in the 25-year freight rates.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 10 14:01

Marine transportation stocks fell in the afternoon. As of press time, cosco shipping development (02866) fell 3.81%, quoted at HKD 1.01; sitc (01308) fell 2.82%, quoted at HKD 19.3; cosco shipping holdings (01919) fell 1.92%, quoted at HKD 12.28; and ooil (00316) fell 1.5%, quoted at HKD 118.1.

According to the Futu Securities News app, marine transportation stocks fell in the afternoon. As of press time, cosco shipping development (02866) fell 3.81%, quoted at HKD 1.01; sitc (01308) fell 2.82%, quoted at HKD 19.3; cosco shipping holdings (01919) fell 1.92%, quoted at HKD 12.28; and ooil (00316) fell 1.5%, quoted at HKD 118.1.

On the news side, in terms of spot freight rates, the latest SCFI European line freight rate index was reported at 4857 USD/TEU, a 0.47% decrease from last week, marking the first weekly decline since mid-April. Goldman Sachs said that the decline was earlier than the market's expectation of August or September. The bank expects freight rates in July to not fall sharply, but, based on feedback from customers, although they do not expect a significant drop in freight rates this month, concerns about freight rates peaking may increase among investors. The bank believes that this could have negative effects and urges profit-taking.

Galaxy Futures believes that the phenomenon of rushing to ship goods in the shipping market will continue, coupled with the pre-season, which will support the overall strong trend of shipping prices, but the rate of subsequent increase may slow down, and the high point is expected to appear in the third quarter. Huatai Futures also pointed out that the peak of the European spot price may be seen in July and August. In addition, the August contract is approaching delivery, closely following the landing of spot quotations. The corresponding contract for 2025 has more uncertainty because it is further away in time.

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