
英镑创出一周高点 民调显示保守党有望赢得12月大选

新浪财经 ·  Nov 28, 2019 08:04

Sina US Stock News reported on the 28th, Beijing time. Following the highly anticipated poll results showing that the currently ruling Conservative Party is expected to win a majority of seats in the UK's December general election, the pound hit a one-week high.

After the release of related reports, the pound rose from the previous level of around $1.2900 to $1.2948, the best performer of all G-10 currencies. The poll results were released at midnight in London. At the time, US trading was quite quiet due to the upcoming Thanksgiving, while Asian traders had just begun trading on Thursday.

According to the poll results of the Public Opinion Survey Network, Johnson's Conservative Party is expected to receive majority support and win 68 seats in the December 12 general election. The polling method used by public opinion once made it more accurate than ordinary polls to predict the results of the 2017 general election.

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