
赚钱靠卖矿?国电电力上半年业绩预计同比翻倍 Q2扣非净利下限不到亿元 | 速读公告

Is mining the way to make money? GD Power Development's first half performance is expected to double year-on-year. Q2 net profit after deductions is expected to be less than 100 million yuan. | Speed-reading announcement ·  Jul 10 00:32

① Guodian Electric, the leading company with a market capitalization of 100 billion dollars, expects net profit to double year-on-year in the first half of this year, making a big profit of more than 6 billion yuan, but investment income may account for the majority; ② According to calculations, the company's non-net profit deducted in the second quarter was 0.064 billion yuan - 0.464 billion yuan.

Finance Association, July 10 (Reporter Liu Yue) Guodian Electric Power (600795.SH), which has a total market capitalization of over 100 billion yuan, is expected to have net profit of more than 6 billion yuan in the first half of the year, doubling from the previous year, but investment income may account for the majority. The minimum amount of non-net profit deducted in the second quarter was less than 0.1 billion yuan.

Guodian Electric Power announced yesterday evening that in the first half of 2024, the company expects to achieve net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 6.4 billion yuan to 6.8 billion yuan, an increase of 114.22% to 127.61% over the previous year.

The company's net profit for the first quarter was 1.785 billion yuan. Based on this calculation, the net profit for the second quarter is estimated to be 4.615 billion yuan - 5.015 billion yuan, a record high of net profit in a single quarter in the past ten years.


(Source: Choice)

Notably, Guodian Electric Power stated that the reason for the increase in the company's net profit to the mother was the increase in investment income and the increase in investment income of joint ventures. Among them, the increase in investment income was due to the transfer of 50% of the shares of the holding subsidiary Guodian Construction Investment Inner Mongolia Energy Co., Ltd.

According to Guodian Electric Power's previous announcement, in order to reduce the continuing impact of uncertainty about the timing of the resumption of production at the Chahasu coal mine and improve the company's asset quality and profitability, the company plans to transfer 50% of the company's shares to Western Energy Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Energy Group, the controlling shareholder. The equity valuation value corresponding to this equity is 6.739 billion yuan, which is the proposed transaction price. The shares were settled on June 30, 2024.

Looking at deducting non-net profit, the announcement shows that the company expects to deduct non-net profit of 1.8 billion yuan to 2.2 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year decrease of 33.11% to 18.25%. Guodian Electric Power's deducted non-net profit for the first quarter was 1.736 billion yuan. Based on this calculation, the deducted non-net profit for the second quarter was 0.064 billion yuan - 0.464 billion yuan.

Guodian Electric Power is mainly engaged in thermal power generation, hydroelectric power generation, and new energy power generation. Among them, thermal power generation accounted for over 80% of last year's revenue. According to the company's announcement last night, as of June 30, 2024, the company's consolidated statement has an installed capacity of 107.13 million kilowatts, including: 72.574 million kilowatts of thermal power, 14.9506 million kilowatts of hydropower, 9.5233 million kilowatts of wind power, and 10.0821 million kilowatts of photovoltaics. In the second quarter of 2024, the installed capacity of the Company's New Energy Holdings increased by 1.1352 million kilowatts.

Guodian Electric Power said that in the first half of this year, the company's hydropower and new energy generation increased year-on-year due to the increase in electricity consumption, the increase in incoming water, and the increase in the installed capacity of new energy sources. The annual report shows that by the end of 23, in terms of hydropower, the company approved 2.807 million kilowatts of hydropower projects and about 3.52 million kilowatts of hydropower in the Dadu River basin; in terms of new energy, construction of major base projects such as 16.74 million kilowatts of new energy construction was obtained last year, 15.288 million kilowatts of nuclear preparation, 3 million kilowatt photovoltaics in Shanghai Temple, and 1 million kilowatt photovoltaics in Tianjin Haijing.

In terms of performance in the secondary market, power stocks are “full of electricity,” and Guodian Electric Power's intraday stock price hit a record high yesterday.

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