
信雅达(600571.SH)发预亏 半年度净亏损5000万到7000万元 同比由盈转亏

Sunnyard Technology (600571.SH) announces a pre-loss, with a net loss of 50 million to 70 million yuan in the first half of the year, turning from profit to loss year-on-year.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 9 16:05

Sunyard Technology (600571.SH) released a profit warning for the first half of 2024. The company expects a net loss attributed to the parent company's owners of between 50 million yuan to 70 million yuan, turning from profit to loss on a year-on-year basis. The net loss attributed to the parent company's owners after deducting non-recurring gains and losses is expected to be between 53 million yuan and 67 million yuan.

According to the disclosure, Sunyard Technology (600571.SH) released a profit warning for the first half of 2024, and the company's expected net loss attributed to the parent company's owners during the reporting period is between 50 million yuan to 70 million yuan, turning from profit to loss on a year-on-year basis. The net loss attributed to the parent company's owners after deducting non-recurring gains and losses is expected to be between 53 million yuan and 67 million yuan.

It is reported that the company's main customer group is domestic financial enterprises. Projects in the financial industry have a clear cyclical trend in a natural year. According to the annual budget and annual project plan, bidding and contract signing mainly occur in the first and second quarters of each year, while project acceptance and payment mainly occur in the third and fourth quarters of the same year. Therefore, the company's sales revenue will show obvious seasonal characteristics due to the above business features, with revenue in the second half of the year generally higher than that in the first half.

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