
オープンドア Research Memo(7):自己資本比率90.0%と高水準を維持

Open car door Research Memo (7): Maintaining a high level of self-capital ratio of 90.0%.

Fisco Japan ·  Jul 9 13:07

Performance trend of OpenDoor <3926>

2. Financial condition and performance indicators.

As of the end of March 2024, the total assets decreased by 739 million yen from the previous period to 56.63 billion yen. Of this, current assets decreased by 209 million yen to 3.21 billion yen, mainly due to a decrease of 361 million yen in cash and deposits, and an increase of 47 million yen in accounts receivable and contract assets. Fixed assets decreased by 530 million yen to 2.453 billion yen, mainly due to the decrease in investment securities by 561 million yen due to the decrease in the stock price of Beltra <7048>, which operates a reservation site for overseas optional tours.

Total liabilities decreased by 182 million yen from the previous period to 551 million yen. Of this, current liabilities decreased by 10 million yen to 338 million yen, and fixed liabilities decreased by 172 million yen to 213 million yen, mainly due to the decrease in deferred tax liabilities. The total net assets decreased by 557 million yen to 511.1 billion yen, mainly due to the decrease in the fair value difference of other securities by 389 million yen.

Looking at management indicators, the self-capital ratio remains at a high level of 90.0% (compared to 88.3% at the end of the previous period), and the financial soundness is judged to be high as there are no borrowings and there is ample cash and deposits of 2,626 million yen. Although the current market environment is still harsh, the company is continuing to streamline its management.

3. Cash flow

The balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of March 2024 decreased by 361 million yen from the previous period to 2,626 million yen. The cash flow from operating activities was an expenditure of 312 million yen, mainly due to a net loss of 164 million yen before adjustment for taxes and an increase in accounts receivable of 47 million yen. The cash flow from investing activities was an expenditure of 48 million yen, mainly due to the acquisition of tangible fixed assets, which resulted in expenditures of 36 million yen. The cash flow from financing activities remained almost unchanged.

(Author: Hiroki Nagao, FISCO guest analyst)

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