In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.
Top volume change rate [as of July 9, 10:32].
(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)
Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<4599> Stem Inc. 1481400 62113.32 286.47% 0.1116%
<4825> Veru Inc. 315400 159531.4 243.26% 0.1033%
<2193> COOK 1642500 64797.6 182.85% 0.1069%
<2865> GXNDX Kaba 423314 118708.772 156.07% -0.0344%
<4935> Liberta 823800 100700 155.37% 0.1886%
<9418> U-NEXT 1035800 1134727 146.61% -0.0673%
<4059> Mag2 15800 3198.64 128.41% -0.0147%
<1660> MXS Takaragi J 13640 42595.566 122.25% -0.0103%
<1518> Mitsui Matsushima 438000 731808.9 117.47% -0.0338%
<4064> Carbide 99900 70989.42 115.07% 0.0015%
<7997> Kuro Kogyo 133700 67966.06 114.12% -0.0175%
<3236> Pro-Past 1166400 75382.44 97.78% -0.1062%
<9699> Nisio HD 69200 101857.5 94.28% -0.0114%
<5216> Kuramoto 7032200 1375684.86 93.76% 0.0905%
<6405> Suzumo Kiko 111700 59940.42 93.72% 0.0604%
<8114> Descente 369600 514614.8 92.62% 0.0779%
<2148> ITM 110700 99281.52 82.89% 0.013%
<3141> Welcia HD 2098400 1722817.56 75.95% -0.0521%
<6099> Elan 129500 55624.18 74.5% 0.0597%
<1699> NF crude oil futures, 1,937,760, 394,934.352, 72.68%, -0.0035%.
<8154> Kaga Den, 156,000, 422,663.4, 69.89%, -0.0104%.
<4004> Resonac HD, 2,896,700, 5,132,733.84, 68.63%, 0.0637%.
<6147> Yamazaki, 16,000, 2,907.86, 65.54%, -0.003%.
<2237> iF500DA, 2,341, 98,823.948, 60.56%, 0.0086%.
<3565> Asentek, 132,200, 49,566.02, 52.77%, 0.0231%.
<6492> Okano Baru, 42,000, 126,929.6, 48.48%, -0.0239%.
<2625> iFTPX Year 4, 87,079, 173,555.754, 48.21%, 0.0006%.
<2525> NZAM225, 2,142, 186,038.612, 47.48%, 0.0052%.
Howmet Aerospace Inc, 108,600, 101,883.18, 44.17%, -0.011%.
Gan Ltd, 345,600, 710,849.06, 44.14%, 0.0473%.
The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.
Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.