
前日に動いた銘柄 part1 三井松島HD、栗本鐵工所、ジンズホールディングスなど

Stocks that moved the day before, part 1: Mitsui Matushima Holdings, Kurimoto Iron Works, Jins Holdings, etc.

Fisco Japan ·  Jul 9, 2024 06:15

Stock name 8-day closing price ⇒ previous day comparison.

Escrow AJ <6093> 146 +4

Financial estimates for the first half have been revised upward.

Shuppin <3179> 1492 +54

Revenue increased by 26.4% in June.

New Tech <6734> 1621 -134

WealthNavi <7342> 1579+73. WealthNavi's assets under management have surpassed 130 trillion yen.

Wealth Navi <7342> 1579 +73

Altech <9972> 266-23. Profit forecast for fiscal year 24 has been revised downward in November.

Fan Pep <4881> 163 -18

Concerns about dilution due to the issuance of subscription rights.

Arteck <9972> 266 -23

Downward revision of financial estimates for the year ending November 2024.

Mitsui Matsushima HD <1518> 5620 +705

Announced an upward revision of earnings due to subsidiary incorporation and equity transfer.

Kurimoto ironworks <5602> 4930 +355

Expectations for replacement of water supply pipes are spreading.

Qubi-net HD <6571> 1257 +79

Reported to be featured in some media outlets.

Jinz Holdings <3046> 4180 +335

Significant expansion of same-store sales in June.

Lozze <6323> 33800 +1400

Also expectations for earnings announcement approaching.

ACCESS <4813> 1289 +63

Last weekend, buying back was dominant despite the tug of war.

Tatsumo <6266> 3580 +135

Buy on dips as part of the semiconductor-related sector.

Areesty <5852> 789 +24

It is said to be a three-digit stock with high performance change rate.

Dexteriarls <4980> 7766 +262

Among small and medium-sized semiconductor-related stocks, solid ones stand out.

Toyo Securities <8614> 410 +8

Continued anticipation of activist shareholding.

Raccoon HD <3031> 575 +28

Also interested in low-priced stocks with high performance change rates like Arresty.

Japan Micronics <6871> 7010 +60

Flow of high-tech stocks rising due to employment statistics.

Euglena <2931> 521 -36

Rapid growth was announced last weekend, with a new breeding technique for algae with neutron irradiation.

Japan's HD <4612> 986.3 -63.7

There is no particular material observed despite the sharp decline from the opening price.

Japan Cash Machinery <6418> 1107 -54

The momentum of saturation continues with the introduction of new banknotes.

HeiDay Hidakas <7611> 2756 -194

First-quarter earnings reports have been reported in advance, giving a feeling of exhaustion.

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