

The Biden incident of calling himself a "black woman" is still fermenting, and the host involved has lost his job. ·  16:08

The latest development shows that in the radio interview last week where Biden performed poorly, even the questions raised by the host were provided in advance by Biden's team.

At that time, the radio station immediately "drew a line" with the involved host and emphasized that this was a "personal behavior".

The Biden team only said, "We won't do it like this again in the future."

Last Sunday (July 7th) local time, WURD, a black broadcasting station in Philadelphia, USA, issued a statement announcing that they have parted ways with Andrea Lawful-Sanders, the host who interviewed US President Biden last week, and the decision will take effect immediately.

(Source: WURD)
(Source: WURD)

The story behind Biden's 'train wreck'

As a recap, after showing a 'clearly confused' side during the debate with Trump, Biden has been in a crisis PR status lately. However, he also 'derailed' in last week's interview, trying to regain support.

Financial Associated Press reported last week that in an exclusive interview broadcast on WURD radio last Thursday, Biden not only continued to have problems with his speech, but also said in public on WURD radio: 'I am very proud to be the first vice president, the first black woman, to work for a black president, and proudly appointed the first black woman to the Supreme Court.'

By the way, in another interview aired on the same day, Biden used the correct term-first female black Chief Justice of the United States and the first black female Vice President-when referring to his role as Obama's Vice President and his appointments.

However, WURD's latest statement has brought a new embarrassment to Biden's camp: this poorly performing and malapropos interview was pre-arranged by Biden's team and the questions were provided by them.

In other words, Biden knew the questions in advance and had prepared his answers, but still performed poorly.

Biden team vows not to do it again

WURD radio said that the interview with Biden was negotiated by the host Andrea Lawful-Sanders independently, and the management did not know about it. In this interview, the host used questions provided by the White House in advance, which violated media policies and responsible practices for listeners. Therefore, Ms. Lawful-Sanders has reached an agreement with WURD Radio and both parties have immediately parted ways.

Biden took interviews from two radio stations last week, but when people were waiting to hear the President's comments on his own debate performance, they found that the questions from the two radio stations and Biden's answers were highly similar.

During an interview with a TV station last Saturday, Lawful-Sanders was also asked about this issue. She publicly stated that the questions in the exclusive interview with Biden were sent to her by the Biden team and she 'approved these questions.'

It should be pointed out that in interviews involving political figures, Western media and political teams have the practice of discussing interview topics in advance, but it is rare for interviewees to directly use the questions provided by political teams in interviews and even disclose this information.

In response to the public outrage, Lawful-Sanders also issued a meaningful statement, stating that she was 'asked to do this interview,' but emphasized that the most important thing was to have the voice of black people heard and that she 'never felt forced to ask certain questions.'

Another WURD radio host, Earl Ingram, also responded to ABC, stating that he did receive some questions about Biden and that the Biden team provided five questions, among which he chose to use four. Ingram also stated in the report that he did not have the opportunity to ask all the questions he wanted to ask Biden.

(Source: ABC)
(Source: ABC)

In response to public questioning, White House officials also responded, stating that it was not the White House that provided the two radio stations with the questions in advance, but rather Biden's campaign team. This official also stated that providing 'suggested questions' to interviewees is not a standard practice by the White House, and Biden's campaign team does not plan to continue doing so.


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