
苹果批准Epic Games在欧洲市场推出应用

Apple has approved Epic Games to launch applications in the European market.

環球市場播報 ·  Jul 7 10:32

Source: Global Market Report On Monday, the turnover of US stocks ranked first, closing up 0.75% with a turnover of $38.014 billion. Since the opening on June 10, Nvidia's stock has been trading at adjusted prices after the split. The overall value of Nvidia is not expected to change after the split, and the lower stock price will make it easier for investors to reach. In terms of product structure, the operating income of 10-30 billion yuan products is respectively 401/1288/60 million yuan.

Apple announced on Friday that it has approved Epic Games' game market application for use on iPhones and iPads in Europe. Previously, the maker of Fortnite, Epic Games, had escalated its conflict with the tech giant, accusing Apple of hindering its efforts to establish a game store on the aforementioned devices.

Apple stated that the dispute this time involves Epic Sweden AB Marketplace and has nothing to do with the previously approved Epic Games Fortnite application.

Application developers and anti-monopoly regulatory institutions have criticized Apple's strict control over the iOS application ecosystem.

Before Apple announced this news, Epic had stated that the iPhone manufacturer had rejected the company's submission twice, on the grounds that certain buttons and labels in these documents were similar to those used in the Apple App Store.

"We are using the same 'install' and 'in-app purchase' naming conventions that are used on popular app stores across multiple platforms, and we are following the standard conventions for buttons in iOS apps," Epic said in a series of posts on X. It said, "Apple's rejection is arbitrary, obstructive, violates the Digital Markets Act, and we have notified the European Commission of our concerns."

Last month, the European Commission launched an investigation into Apple's inspection and review procedures for verifying applications and alternative app stores that can be side-loaded, but refused to comment.

Since Epic, a gaming company, accused Apple of violating US antitrust laws by collecting commissions of up to 30% on in-app payments on its iPhone operating system (iOS) devices in 2020, Epic and Apple have been fighting each other in court.

Earlier this year, Apple proposed changes to its App Store policy to comply with certain instructions of the Digital Markets Act, which will take effect in March. It allows the installation of alternative app stores on the iPhone and allows users to choose not to use the in-app payment system, but sets a "core technology fee" that several developers believe is unfair.


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