

"Only God can make me drop out!" Biden passionately promises to continue the campaign, but he misspoke again this time. ·  Jul 6 18:41

Source: Financial News Agency Author: Liu Rui

① On Friday EST, during an interview, Biden said that he will continue to campaign and that he is the best candidate to prevent Trump from re-entering the White House in the November election; ② But what is a bit embarrassing is that in this interview, which was only 22 minutes long, he made the wrong statement; ② Next Monday EST, several Democratic lawmakers will meet to discuss persuading Biden to abstain from the election.

Since Biden did not perform well in the first US presidential selection television debate a few days ago, he has been mired in the pressure of public opinion to “abandon the election.”

Currently, not only members of the Democratic Party are members of the Democratic Party, but even many “financiers” of the Democratic Party have joined forces to demand that Biden voluntarily abandon the election campaign and let someone else take his place as the Democratic presidential candidate.

However, in the face of many questions and pressures, Biden has not chosen to give up.

On Friday EST, Biden was interviewed by the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) to try to show his mental health in front of the camera. He said he will continue his campaign and that he is the best person to prevent Trump from re-entering the White House in the November election — but what is somewhat embarrassing is that in this interview, which was only 22 minutes long, he made the wrong statement...

Biden chose to fight back against questions: I will continue to campaign

On June 27, Biden performed poorly in the televised debate with Trump, which aroused many questions from the outside world. Given that Biden is 81 years old, some Democrats have expressed serious concerns about his mental and physical health, and some critics have even warned that he will almost certainly lose the November election and may drag down other Democrats.

Allegedly, a campaign is underway within the Democratic Party to persuade him to step down. A number of Democratic lawmakers are expected to meet next week on this issue.

Multiple polls have shown that Trump has extended his lead over Biden since the debate. Meanwhile, a Reuters/Ipsos survey found that one-third of Democrats want Biden to withdraw from the election campaign.

However, Biden chose to say “no” to this series of pressures:

“We had a little debate last week, and that really wasn't my best performance. But since then, there has been a lot of speculation, 'What will Joe do? ' 'Will he continue to run? ' 'Will he quit (general election)? ' ... Well, my answer is: I want to run and win again.”

Said the wrong thing again in the critical interview

On Friday evening EST, Biden was interviewed by ABC TV for 22 minutes. This is a rare move for Biden — in the past, in order to avoid saying the wrong thing, Biden rarely took the initiative to be interviewed by the media. The act of being interviewed this time was also interpreted by the media as an attempt to prove his mental health — but what is somewhat embarrassing is that Biden made another mistake this time.

In an interview, Biden argued that he just didn't do well in that debate, but everything else was good. However, when the reporter mentioned that recent polls showed that his approval rating had lagged even further behind Trump, Biden countered that other polls also showed that he had an advantage.

Biden added that he is the best candidate to contend with Trump — only “Almighty God” can kick him out of the campaign.

“They want to kick me out of the election campaign. OK, let me be as clear as possible: I'll keep running! I'll beat Donald Trump. “I will beat him again in 2020 (I will beat him again in 2020),” Biden promised with passion — but embarrassingly, he got the year wrong.

Fortunately, he quickly reacted to his mistake, so he went on to make up for it: “By the way, we're going to do it again in 2024 (And by the way we're going to do it again in 2024).”

It is worth mentioning that when asked if he had taken a cognitive test for a neurological examination, Biden admitted that he had not taken it, “no one said I had to do this,” and said that the White House's strict physical examination was enough. Biden underwent a medical examination at the White House on February 28 of this year. The medical examination results determined that he was capable of holding office.

“He will never quit easily”

Over the past week, Biden has taken the initiative to contact a number of Democrats to try to persuade them to continue to support him as a presidential candidate. Although some Democratic lawmakers don't buy it, Biden still insists on “continuing to fight.”

“He doesn't seem to understand the fact that 'people have doubts about him',” said David Axelrod (David Axelrod), a Democrat and a former senior adviser to former US President Barack Obama.

A senior Democratic National Committee official said, “It is clear that he will never quit unless there is significant opposition from Congress.”

Next Monday EST, a highly respected senior member of Democratic Party Ned, Mark Warner (Mark Warner), will invite a number of Democratic senators to a meeting to discuss Biden's campaign. According to US media reports, Werner is trying to persuade a number of lawmakers to urge Biden to withdraw from the election campaign.

But in an interview with ABC, Biden said he had talked to at least 20 lawmakers who asked him to stay and continue running in the election. When asked about Warner asking him to abstain from the election, Biden said, “As far as I know, Mark Warner is the only one who thinks this way.”

But the reality is clearly far from being as optimistic as Biden said. For example, on Friday, Illinois Democratic Representative Mike Quigley (Mike Quigley) was publicly calling on TV for Biden to give way: “Let someone else do this, otherwise the Democratic Party will face a complete disaster.”

Massachusetts Democratic Governor Maura Healey (Maura Healey) also issued a statement on Friday asking Biden to carefully consider the option of abandoning the election campaign.

“Over the next few days, I urge him to listen to the American people and carefully assess whether he remains our best hope for defeating Donald Trump,” she wrote in a statement.


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