
大行评级 | 瑞穗:将Adobe纳入7月首选名单 人工智能货币化的广度被低估

Major Bank Rating | Nomura: Adds Adobe to July Top Picks List, Underestimates the Breadth of ai Monetization.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 5 23:09
On July 5th, Gregg Moskowitz, an analyst at Mizuho, included Adobe in his top list for July. He believes that Wall Street has underestimated the breadth of Adobe's monetization of artificial intelligence, which should become more evident in the second half of 2024. The analyst said that we still believe that Adobe will eventually surpass its recently revised target of $1.95 billion in annual recurring revenue (ARR) for its 2025 digital media fiscal year. But he added that many also see Adobe as an "artificial intelligence loser." In addition, according to Mizuho's data, as the artificial intelligence computing market grows fivefold over the next three years, Nvidia is expected to maintain a market share of over 60%. Mizuho also said that Oracle is gaining attention for its Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) and investors have not fully recognized this from the perspective of both price and performance.

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