
美股异动丨泰克资源盘初一度涨超5% 嘉能可收购其冶金煤业务获加拿大有条件批准

US stock abnormal | Teck Resources initially rose more than 5% on the plate, and JNC's acquisition of its metallurgical coal business received conditional approval from Canada.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 5 21:52
On July 5th, Glonhui reported that Teck Resources (TECK.US) rose more than 5% in the early trading, reaching a high of $52.74; the current increase has narrowed to 3%. In terms of news, Canadian Industry Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne approved the transaction of JNCCO's acquisition of Elk Valley Resources on Thursday night local time, but with several strict conditions to protect local employment and the environment. In a statement, Champagne said that the government also obtained Teck Resources' commitment to reinvest a large amount of the gains from the transaction in its copper growth investment portfolio, thereby making the company a leader in the key mineral field.

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