

At the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, China Pacific Insurance's Digital Workforce Lab released its latest achievements.

China Investors ·  Jul 5 20:46

On July 5, China Pacific Insurance held a high-level insurance forum focusing on "Smart Digital Labor and Creating New Type of Productivity" at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC), showcasing a series of the latest achievements from the Digital Labor Laboratory, as well as innovative applications implemented in key business areas, such as the Audit Digital Labor, Car Insurance Online Claim Assistant, Life Insurance Agent Intelligent Assistant, and Health Insurance Claims Review Digital Labor.

YU Bin, Vice President of China Pacific Insurance, pointed out that we are standing at the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The core driving force of this revolution is artificial intelligence, and China Pacific Insurance must seize this opportunity window to answer the question of Chinese-style modernization.

The innovative achievements are concentrated and exhibited.

Audit Digital Labor: China Pacific Insurance Group Audit Center has successfully deployed 250 auditors, significantly improving audit efficiency and quality. Car Insurance Online Claim Assistant: In response to the increase in car insurance claims, China Pacific Property Insurance used the big model agent to solve high-degree-of-freedom customer service problems in online claims, and improve the efficiency of online claims. It has been applied to online surveying and has already improved daily handling capacity by 10%, with plans to cover 150 operators by the end of the year. Life Insurance Agent Intelligent Assistant: A large model trainer launched by China Pacific Life Insurance to enhance the sales skills of agents through modeling realistic customer feedback using large model technology combined with psychological cognitive models. Double-blind testing shows that lower-middle level agents using this product increased their sales skills by 7.9%. Health Insurance Claims Review Digital Labor: The Pacific Health Insurance used large model technology to simulate claims personnel operations, improve the automatic rate of claims through agent reflection capability construction, and achieve high accuracy of claim approval. Since its launch in May, the accuracy rate of the underwriting review in the health insurance system has reached 89%, surpassing the accuracy rate of the entry team's initial review. It is expected to form an unmanned digital operation team to handle tens of millions of cases by the end of 2025. Accelerating the Proactive Layout: The 14th Five-Year Plan for National Development is a development blueprint for China in the next five years or even longer. It clearly states that digital transformation and the development of artificial intelligence technology are one of the key forces for promoting high-quality economic and social development. The country encourages enterprises to improve their core competitiveness through digital transformation, including but not limited to using advanced technologies such as cloud computing, big data, blockchain, and artificial intelligence to optimize business processes, innovate product services, and enhance customer experience. In response to the national strategic development, China Pacific Insurance has seized the opportunity of innovation and actively promoted the pilot application of insurance big models as the core of the Smart China Pacific Insurance 2023-2025 technology strategy. At the 6th China International Import Expo in 2023, China Pacific Insurance, along with iFLYTEK Co., Ltd. and Huawei, jointly established the China Pacific Insurance Digital Labor Laboratory to deepen the application of large model technology in the insurance industry, promote the in-depth integration of technology and business scenarios, and open up new cooperation between head enterprises and technology suppliers. XU Guoqiang, chief AI expert of the Digital Research Institute, said at the forum that, faced with challenges such as slow technology landing, difficult evaluation, and shallow application, China Pacific Insurance's large model team has promoted relevant work in stages and made important progress in infrastructure construction over the past year. First, it built the first independently controllable all-trust IoT infrastructure in the insurance industry, which can support the high-performance training and reasoning of large models of hundreds of billions; second, it completed the efficient construction of the large model middle platform to support the group's rapid development of digital positions; third, it generated millions of high-quality insurance data instructions based on 468 professional financial materials, demonstrated remarkable performance in various tests after strict testing and iteration, and ensured the model's rich business logic, autonomous execution capability, and in-depth understanding of customer needs. ,Looking to the future, China Pacific Insurance will continue to explore the deep application of artificial intelligence and big data in the insurance ecosystem, use large model technology to optimize risk assessment, claims processes, product customization, marketing strategies, product innovation, compliance management, and customer experience, and build an intelligent system that covers the entire business process. By the end of 2025, it plans to complete the construction of 11 digital labor positions, covering 10,000 employees, and expects labor productivity to increase by more than 30%. China Pacific Insurance will continue to deepen the application of big models in core insurance business, promote the intelligent and personalized development of insurance services, contribute its wisdom to the construction of digital China, and promote the future trend of insurance technology. Claims review digital workforcePacific Health Insurance uses large-scale modeling technology to simulate the work of claims personnel, and achieves a significant increase in claims automation rate by establishing agent reflection capabilities. Since its launch in May, the accuracy rate of claims in the health insurance system has reached as high as 89%, surpassing the accuracy rate of the data entry team's preliminary review, and is expected to form an unmanned digital operation team by the end of 2025 to handle tens of millions of cases.

The hosting of this forum has demonstrated China Pacific Insurance's innovative leadership in the digital labor field, and has also conducted innovative exploration for the digital transformation of the insurance industry, opening up a new journey for intelligent insurance services.

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