
感恩节临近 股市“大回馈” 能否再度上演?

Can the stock market's “big reward” be staged again as Thanksgiving approaches?

新浪财经 ·  Nov 27, 2019 01:51

Sina U. S. stock market news on November 27, Beijing time, the recent upbeat sentiment of investors on the stock market, the market seems to be strong again during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Dow JonesThe industrial average hit a new high on Tuesday, with sentiment running high over the traditional strong performance before and after Thanksgiving. Historical data show that in the past 66 years, the Dow has fallen only 16 times on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and Black Friday after Thanksgiving.

All financial markets are closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday and close early on Friday.

Recent losses

But in the two trading days before and after Thanksgiving, the Dow has suffered losses for two years in a row. In 2017 and 2018, the Dow Jones Industrial average fell about 32 points and 180 points, respectively.

The s & p 500 rose 25% in 2019 and is on track for its biggest annual gain since 2013. Historically, when the s & p 500 has grown by more than 25% a year, the rally will continue into the next year.

Peter Boockvar, chief investment officer of Bleakley Advisory Group, said in a report on Tuesday: "the 'rally' in the stock market is really shocking, with the S & P 500 trading at 19 times earnings." I am also optimistic that some kind of trade agreement will be reached. "

The so-called "financial rally" refers to the unexpected and sharp rise in stock investment performance as investors who do not want to miss the opportunity to rise in the stock market flock to the stock market (rather than improved economic fundamentals). It is also a sign that the bull market in stocks may have entered a later stage.

Historical data show that the Dow Jones Industrial average rose nearly 350 points in the two trading days before and after Thanksgiving in 2008, its best two-day performance since 1952. The worst performance of the two days came in 2011, when the Dow fell 261 points.

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