
花旗:维持中国建材(03323)“买入”评级 目标价4港元

Citigroup: Maintains 'buy' rating for CNBM (03323), with a target price of HKD 4.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 5, 2024 15:44

Citigroup has initiated a 30-day upward catalyst observation on CNBM (03323) in China building materials industry.

According to the report released by Citigroup, the rating of CNBM (03323) remains "buy" with a target price of HKD 4.00. It also starts a 30-day upward catalyst observation.

According to, the cement and clinker prices in the Yangtze River Delta region will be raised by RMB 50 per ton on July 5th. The main reason for the price increase is industry self-discipline and off-peak production schedules. Plants will be suspended for 10 days respectively in July and August, reducing production by approximately 30%.

The report points out that this move goes against the soft seasonal factors and believes it signals that leading companies in the industry, including Conch Cement (00914) and CNBM, will shift their pricing strategy to prioritize profits over market share in the second half of the year. In addition, the bank expects prices in the Eastern China market to continue to rise over the next few months.

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