
港股异动 | 科伦博泰生物-B(06990)现涨超7% 公司携手默沙东出海 机构称核心产品商业化在即

HKEX anomaly | Kexing Bioproducts-B (06990) currently up more than 7%, the company partners with Merck to go overseas. Institutions said that the commercialization of core products is imminent.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 5 15:49

Kelonbio-B (06990) now rises more than 7%, as of press time, up 7.44%, to HKD 163.2, with a turnover of 55.3385 million Hong Kong dollars.

Zhongtong Finance APP learned that Kelonbio-B (06990) now rises more than 7%, as of press time, up 7.44%, to HKD 163.2, with a turnover of 55.3385 million Hong Kong dollars.

Pacific Securities pointed out that innovative drugs going abroad have become a must under the current domestic payment environment. From May to December 2022, Kelonbio and Merck reached three cooperation transactions covering nine ADC new drugs, with a total prepayment of 0.257 billion US dollars and a total transaction amount of up to 11.8 billion US dollars. Merck's Keytruda and ADC have great potential for combined use. The combination of ADC and PD-1 is expected to bring considerable overseas income to Kelonbio.

It is worth noting that Kelonbio has 4-5 pipelines that will soon be commercialized, including two core ADC products SKB264 and A166, which are expected to turn losses into profits by 2027. The bank said that as a leader in ADC research and development, the company has the potential to become a biopharmaceutical company and is worth holding for a long time.

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