
A股异动 | 迪贝电气连续2日大涨 中期净利预增超1.5倍

A shares fluctuate | Zhejiang Dibay Electric continues to rise for 2 consecutive days, with a mid-term net profit forecast exceeding 1.5 times.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 5 14:49
On July 5th, Gelonghui reported that Dibay Electric (603320.SH), which hit the limit up yesterday, rose again by more than 9%, reaching a high of 15.99 yuan and a total market value of 2 billion yuan. The company expects to achieve a net income of 36.7 million yuan to 40.49 million yuan in the first half of 2024, a year-on-year growth of 151.24% to 177.15%. During the reporting period, the sales volume of the company's compressor motors increased, with significant scale effects and a significant increase in the company's profit.

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