In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.
Top volume change rate [as of 5 July 9:32].
(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)
Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<3205> Dai-Drimi 14671200 107185.08 340.07%, 0.1587%.
<2931> Euglena 3927700 534516.26 163.27%, 0.1299%.
<2809> Kewpie 1096700 457743.86 101.61%, 0.0651%.
<2012> iS US Bond 03 1118430 1274261.62 67.11%, -0.0017%.
<1546> NF Dauhe no 4263 126338.322 59.5%, -0.0014%.
<9369> Kiyosu Distribution 116700 141835.764 46.23%, -0.0313%.
<5071> Viss 37100 122945.58 44.27%, 0.0047%.
<8059> First Jitsu 38100 24569.64 31.78%, -0.0066%.
<6937> Furukawa Electronics 219700 68753.58 29.67%, 0.0273%.
<4574> Dai-Ko Yakuhin 153700 223235.78 20.56%, 0.0189%.
<3905> Data SEC 174000 55431.32 18.81%, 0.0431%.
<1541> Purepla Trust 18269 312454.9 16.65%, 0.002%.
<3946> Tomoku 25500 69201.736 15.97%, -0.0177%.
<4293> Septenni HD 358700 59753.96 14.54%, -0.0216%.
<3558> Jade G 166900 101521.84 13.4%, 0.1089%.
<4022> Lasa Kogyo 56600 280080.24 12.11%, 0.0353%.
<8016> Onward HD 1472900 140968.64 12.03%, -0.0416%.
<2840> iF Nas100 8122 680103.64 11.86%, -0.0033%.
<7816> Snow Peak 19200 194229.144 8.4%, 0.0008%.
<3937> Ubicom 43900 19085.76 7.41% 0.0479%
<6740> JDI 40323200 66243.36 4.69% 0%
<6741> Japan Signal 84500 702331.52 3.33% 0.0009%
<5244> 219600 99884.66 3.09% 0.0191%
<3315> Japan Coke 2479300 64737.78 2.15% 0.008%
<4597> Solasia 16863500 311307.66 1.28% 0%
<5240> monoAI 390200 436451.68 0.96% -0.0127%
<151A> Dive 19600 226495.32 -2.7% 0.0793%
<4345> CTS Corp 51000 73678.5 -5.95% 0.0024%
<9842> Akrands 119800 42882.04 -6.23% -0.0155%
<3549> Aoki of Drug 390600 256671.38 -6.66% -0.0008%
The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.
Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.